Wall Sit Shallow_180x270
July 29 2009
Brian Schiff's Functionally Fit takes a new step - or, more appropriately, a bend - into a new miniseries. This time, he takes a look at exercises that help training one of the most troublesome parts... View More
July 29 2009
I read one of the most amazing quotes the other day: "People spend their lives in the service of their passions instead of employing their passions in the service of their lives," said Sir Richard Steele.... View More
July 22 2009
If I were to ask you, “What are you?” you might look at me a little strangely and reply “a person,” “a woman” or maybe “a personal trainer,” “fitness... View More
July 22 2009
ALA is a fatty acid that might have been classified as a vitamin except that by definition, a vitamin is a micronutrient the body cannot synthesize. The body is capable of manufacturing Alpha Lipoic Acid... View More
July 22 2009
You might have heard of L-Carnitine and heard that it has some fat burning properties in supplemental form. L-Carnitine is an amino acid that aids in shuttling fat into the muscle cell to be burned . .... View More
July 20 2009
Training athletes isn't just for strength coaches and physical educators anymore. With phrases like "specialization of training" and "sport-specific workouts" penetrating the market, personal trainers... View More
July 17 2009
Managing a personal training department requires a number of skills, not the least of which is creating and enforcing systems to ensure that results are generated in a reproducible fashion. As the leader... View More
July 17 2009
The vast majority of personal trainers entered the field because they care deeply about helping people. But many personal trainers do not realize that the teaching they give and information they share... View More
July 17 2009
The one thing that can drown your independent spirit and entrepreneurial fire quicker than a subtropical monsoon is the prospect of providing your own health insurance. Being your own boss or setting your... View More
July 17 2009
Setting your hourly rate as a fitness professional can be a bit perplexing to those new to the industry or in business for themselves for the first time. There is a perfect balance of factors to blend... View More
July 17 2009
These days, it seems like everyone is talking about Facebook and Twitter. The problem is that you have Facebook and Twitter accounts and only seem to waste time talking to old high school friends. So are... View More
July 17 2009
There’s a big divide between those who want to own a fitness business and those who want to own a fitness franchise. The independent business owner wants to sit in the driver’s seat and build... View More
July 15 2009
Keeping a perspective on who we are and what we do is sometimes very difficult simply because of the nature of our business and how long we have been doing this. Because we work with one of the most intimate... View More
July 13 2009
Last issue, we learned the importance of testing for your marketing, what you should be testing and your options to do so. As promised, I will now be showing you how to start knocking around the competition... View More
July 10 2009
What do schools, corporate workplaces and home offices all have in common? Each is experimenting with jettisoning an old-school concept to replace traditional chairs with exercise balls. Generically known... View More
July 8 2009
Here's the number-one thing I love about being in the fitness industry: You can set up your fitness business any way you want, and no one will stop you. For some trainers that might mean having a... View More
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July 8 2009
Brian Schiff gives his last entry into his backache-curing miniseries of Functionally Fits with the tripod oblique crunch. No equipment required on this one, just your hands, feet, legs and the rest! See... View More
July 8 2009
Now in its third edition, The Triathlete’s Training Bible remains a go-to source for anyone wanting a huge helping of knowledge to accompanying their tri-training. Based on Coach Joe Friel’s... View More
June 24 2009
If you are a personal trainer, you have no doubt met clients that just couldn’t get started. They seem to be forever waiting for just the right time to get going. The excuses are neverending, and... View More
Right MB Chop Bottom_180x270
June 24 2009
Brian Schiff shows off his chops (excuse the pun) in this week with a look at diagonal chops. You'll need a medicine ball for this core-focused power exercise, as well as a client, of course!See 'Related... View More