June 24 2009
The lazy days of summer are upon us. Clients are vacationing, kids are home from school, and the call of the pool, the beach or that steamy novel is almost irresistible. Relaxation is good, but distraction... View More
June 10 2009
Have you ever wondered what separates the winners from the losers in the fitness industry? It's got to be something because salaries for full-time trainers range everywhere from less than $30,000 to over... View More
June 10 2009
Already a New York Times bestseller, The End of Overeating is an interesting read about why our clients are so prone to eating more than is good for them.This book examines how food manufacturers discovered... View More
June 10 2009
Each time I get feedback from clients on what a difference I've made in their lives, I'm amazed. All I do is listen to my clients, address their needs, provide them with fun and effective workouts and... View More
June 8 2009
Nearly two out of three Americans are overweight, and many are more than 100 pounds heavier than normal for their height. When a person has 100 pounds or more to lose, it may be a struggle to get them... View More
June 8 2009
Most fitness pros feel a profound connection with the earth. After all, we're the ones running on the beach, biking on a mountain trail, swimming in a lake or leading a boot camp in a park, so we want... View More
Roll Out - Start_edit
June 7 2009
This week, you'll need to keep your eye on the ball - or at least your elbows. Brian Schiff outlines a really simple stability ball exercise: the roll-out. It's great for tightening up the abs while, at... View More
June 3 2009
I just recently wrote an article in PFP for the May on how to save money during hard economic times, both for the employer and employee (Click here to read>>). What I realized was it is very difficult... View More
June 1 2009
The childhood obesity epidemic in America has reached an unprecedented level. For the last several years, experts and parents alike agree that something must be done - yet according to the National... View More
June 1 2009
Most of us have heard the saying, "When one door closes, another door opens." In this economic time, I believe the saying will change to, "When one door closes, the ones beside it have or will be doing... View More
June 1 2009
When most of us hear "test," we don't associate it with very many positive things. Testing means performance anxiety, being judged and the very real and quantifi able opportunity for failure.That's why... View More
Swimmer & Superman Start_edit
May 28 2009
The following is a continuation of a subseries of Functionally Fit exercises aiming to boost lower back strength and also assist those with lower back problems. This week, Brian Schiff analyzes four different... View More
May 28 2009
Imagine how successful you would be - as a trainer, spouse, parent, employee, business owner and friend - if you gave everyone who walked into the room as much genuine enthusiasm and love as your dog gives... View More
May 27 2009
There are many kinds of personal trainers. We all have our specialties and our favorite clients to train. We also all have unique career aspirations and goals for our businesses and our lives. Some personal... View More
May 26 2009
Nothing beats free marketing. And when it's great marketing and it's free - well, that's something worth sharing with the entire industry.The Internet has really served the fitness industry well.... View More
May 26 2009
It's easy to sell personal training when a prospect approaches you, check-in-hand and committed to making a positive change in his or her life. The most effective (and well-paid) trainers, however, can... View More
May 26 2009
They always say you shouldn't go into personal training for the money, but I think the reality is that most of us do. And why not? If you're an independent trainer that's booked solid at the industry average,... View More
May 20 2009
In the term "personal training", I think the word that gets lost a lot of times is personal. The personal dimension to what we do is very, very important. And this doesn't go only for the contact we have... View More
Prone Prop_crop
May 13 2009
The following is the start of a subseries of Functionally Fit exercises aiming to boost lower back strength and also assist those with lower back problems. See 'Related Resources' below for past Functionally... View More
May 13 2009
A tactilely pleasing book (it's sweat-proof!) with a highly functional design, Run Workouts for Runners and Triathletes is a great tool for trainers who coach runners as well as a gift for race- or triathlon-bound... View More