Feb. 10 2010
We've all had whiny clients. You know, the ones who always tell you thatthis hurts or that it's uncomfortable, or that there is some reason they whyit's tougher on them than it is on anyone else. Because... View More
Feb. 10 2010
Too often, we trainers are eager to take credit for amazing results our clients receive. We think (especially those of us new to the industry) that we somehow are responsible for changing our clients'... View More
Feb. 3 2010
Motivationis a fickle thing. Like any emotion, it's unreliable. Yet it stillcolorsso much of our life experience, and it's a primary element that we, asfitnessprofessionals, are charged with bringing into... View More
Feb. 3 2010
450personal trainers were asked what their primary challengeisin building a lucrative and secure fitness future,and374 of them agreed that the greatest challenge is theacquisitionof new clients.Thatsimple... View More
Feb. 3 2010
Ilearned early on that we are motivated by moving away from painandtowardspleasure. I got into the fitness industry to move away from afamilyhistory of obesity, heart disease, alcoholism, smoking and cancer.Ialso... View More
Feb. 3 2010
Haveyou ever marveled at the course your life or your business takesyou?When you look back, can you see those defining momentswhenyou made a decision one way or the other, when you stoodyourground, when... View More
Feb. 3 2010
Everyarticle and new program seems to focus around those whomaketheir yearly pilgrimage to a treadmill in order to becomehealthy.But what about your clients who have been diligentlytrainingfor the last... View More
Feb. 3 2010
Whenit's official that a specific client is suffering from a true-bluehangover,integrating yoga into a workout can helpeasethe symptoms of a throbbing headache, excess fatigueandthe after-effects of dehydration,... View More
Feb. 3 2010
MartinMcLoughlin had met with modest success as personaltraineruntil a dark evening in July 2007 changed his life andcareerforever. Riding his motorcycle, McLoughlin was struckhead-onby a drunk driver... View More
Feb. 3 2010
It's 4:30PM, and like a child waiting on thelast schoolbellbefore summer break, youare waiting for 5:00so that you can bustout of the officeand head to the gym. You'rejazzed to meetyour friend there who... View More
Feb. 3 2010
Creatingan inviting environment is critical to any thriving fitness studio. Yourclientsaren't just paying for the workout, they're also paying for the experience.Andif the experience comes with dust and... View More
Feb. 3 2010
Itis now 2010. Health clubs and fitness studios across the countryarecurrently dealing with an influx of members. Their desireisto conquer New Year's resolutions. Sadly, seven out of 10 peoplestartwith... View More
Jan. 29 2010
Motivation doesn’t work. It is an emotion: “I feel motivated.” And anyone over the age of 19 knows that emotions are fickle, subject to change for no apparent reason. It doesn’t... View More
SB serratus push-up plus start_270x180
Jan. 27 2010
Keep workingon those shoulders as we continue with Brian Schiff's Functionally Fitminiseries with the push-up plus, floor variations. The purpose of thisexercise is to increase overall shoulder strength... View More
Jan. 25 2010
Like most trainers, I have many clients who run. A runner myself, I definitely encourage running as a beneficial form of physical conditioning and mental relief. However, I’m not an... View More
Jan. 20 2010
Entrepreneurs,by nature, are very independent. Typically, they come up with ideas, turn theminto concepts and then turn those concepts into money. In essence, they create business.They are the lions of... View More
Jan. 15 2010
After being in the fitness business for years, it’s easy to get a little jaded toward New Year’s resolutions. When 95% of people go back to their old habits by February and gyms that are packed... View More
Tubing ER Start_180x270
Jan. 13 2010
Briancontinues his Functionally Fit shoulder miniseries with tubing externalrotation pulls, a great exercise for rehab programs. The purpose of thisexercise is mainly to strengthen the posterior rotator... View More
Jan. 13 2010
The definition of insanity according to Albert Einstein is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I believe that in our business, everyone wants to succeed.... View More
Jan. 8 2010
If you're into fitness, the rules are in your favor. For several decades, six-figures has been and remains the holy grail for success and achievement; however, the majority of people never hit that level... View More