Your passion is to help people maintain or regain optimal health and fitness. Under current law and standards, you are only permitted to work with clients who are already fit and healthy or have been... View More
If you are ready to set yourself apart from other trainers and programs working with older adults, then consider adding cognitive fitness to your training repertoire... View More
How to incorporate the brief grief questionnaire (BGQ) in assessment and training program development for clients diagnosed with the disease... View More
The post-pregnancy period is a remarkable journey for new moms, marked by the joy of motherhood and all the physical changes and mental challenges that come with it... View More
At Functional Aging Institute (FAI), we talk all the time about training your clients for ‘need to do,’ ‘like to do,’ and ‘want to do’ activities... View More
Exercising safely and effectively is important at any age, but it becomes even more crucial as your clients enter their 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond... View More
You may recall working with a client that sometimes lacked motivation, signed up to work with you then disappeared for a while or missed appointments... View More
Healthcare through fitness is not really a new concept and goes back to ancient Greek times. I believe there is an undeniable power in the collaboration of the two.That is why I left corporate America
The last year and a half has forced the majority of us in the fitness industry to reevaluate, and perhaps question, our career. We have seen countless facilities close their doors and personal trainer