Nov. 13 2009
I just finished a training session with a client who has lost more than five percentage points of body fat and about 25 pounds and has gained a renewed sense of herself and her amazing potential - all... View More
Lat Wall Slide - Start_ed
Nov. 11 2009
Brian continues with part three of Functionally Fit shoulder miniseries. This time, he provides two super-simple mobility exercises great for improving shoulder flexion and diminishing shoulder impingement... View More
Nov. 11 2009
If you’re a fan of high-intensity, low-duration exercise, you’ll love this book. Physician Doug McGuff teamed up with bodybuilding leader John Little to outline the science behind maximizing... View More
Nov. 11 2009
Whenever things have gotten out of control, became overwhelming or are just plain confusing, I go back to the good ol’ KISS formula; Keep It Simple, Stupid. As we grow as professionals, we can sometimes... View More
Nov. 4 2009
It's usually only magicians that are thought to be able to create something out of nothing, but personal trainers can do it, too. And that something we create out of nothing are our personal training sessions.... View More
Upper Body Box Step-up Start_web
Oct. 29 2009
Functionally Fit continues with part two of its shoulder miniseries. In this installment, Brian details a three-step routine, upper-body step-ups, along with a bonus BOSU version! See 'Related Resources'... View More
Oct. 29 2009
There's a popular idea within fitness and business communities that says it's more important to get something done fast rather than doing something well, an idea summed up in sayings like "Ready, Shoot,... View More
Oct. 21 2009
When I began personal training, like most trainers, I thought about what my niche should be. I had just retired as a professional football player and I was burnt out from training at such an intense level.... View More
Oct. 14 2009
In the last few months, I have seen a few great articles and comments on articles about all of the new trends and gadgets in exercise equipment. While many of us who have been in the industry see eye-to-eye... View More
BOSU Clock Start_ed_0
Oct. 14 2009
Functionally Fit starts a new miniseries, this time targeting the shoulder. Part 1 takes a look at an exercise using a BOSU balance ball, and it's perfect for stability training. See 'Related Resources'... View More
Oct. 14 2009
This book is a must-have for any fitness professional who is serious about affecting large-scale change. Motivating People to Be Physically Active applies the psychology of change to the one-one-one, group,... View More
Oct. 14 2009
In every training certification I've seen, the importance of planning and documenting a client's workout and improvement is well-stated. However, it's easy, especially with long-term clients, to slip into... View More
Oct. 7 2009
It's clear that personal training is a career, but does everyone view it that way? I'm not sure, because at least from my experience, the career progression for a trainer in the fitness industry wasn't... View More
Oct. 5 2009
Wouldn't it be nice to have a crystal ball into which you could gaze and determine how to best shape your career within your club? Thanks to the folks at IHRSA (International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub... View More
Oct. 5 2009
Using humor in your personal training sessions By Anthony Goldsmith My father often used humor in his workplace. This made him very popular with his co-workers, made it a fun place to work and also made... View More
Sept. 29 2009
You literally cannot take the “personal” out of personal training. Working with clients hands-on, watching over them and even getting a little sweat on you at times is ingrained in the job... View More
Sept. 29 2009
Gone are the days of boxing programs that were only made for men and women who were training for a match. Now more than ever, women are turning to boxing programs as way to stay fit and get in shape. What... View More
Sept. 29 2009
I have spoken with, consulted with and come across countless trainers who opened or aspire to open their own gyms or training studios and begin with the idea of getting a bank loan and/or investment partners.... View More
Cross-over cone touch start_0
Sept. 24 2009
The final segment of Brian's Functionally Fit knee miniseries analyzes the cross-over cone touch, an exercise ideal for increasing dynamic quad, hamstring and gluteal strength. See 'Related Resources'... View More
Sept. 24 2009
I have yet to work at a gym or studio that didn't require me to do some amount of cleaning up after myself, after my clients and around the gym in general. It's just part of the job. However, as the owner... View More