I just finished a training session with a client who has lost more than five percentage points of body fat and about 25 pounds and has gained a renewed sense of herself and her amazing potential - all during a stressful three months in which her mom is dying.

    This incredible client reminds me why we do what we do. The money and the perks are great, but nothing compares with having some small role in someone else's major life transformation. To be the person they look to for guidance, support, motivation and sometimes tough love is an honor beyond compare... one that we trainers should never take lightly.

    And as such, we should never overestimate our role. We should never take responsibility for someone else's success. They are the ones doing the really hard work, making the tough choices, pushing themselves through those burning, last three reps and denying themselves the cheeseburger when co-workers are going out to lunch. We just point the way and serve as an angel in their ear when the road gets rough. But it is their journey, and the glory should always remain with them.