Dec. 29 2008
As millions of Americans cut down on carbohydrates and sugar, the sales of artificial sweeteners have been booming! Some people worry about artificial sweeteners � possibly because... View More
Dec. 29 2008
The Facts Currently, in the US, there are 58 million overweight, 40 million obese and three million morbidly obese adults, according to... View More
Dec. 29 2008
I have had the privilege of hearing JJ speak, and she is by far the authority in the area of weight loss resistance and being proactive about your health. In her latest program, which includes a book and... View More
Dec. 29 2008
In our hurry to solve problems, we forget that the key to solving them lies at the root. This is my major lament with the poorly named youth �obesity� problem.... View More
Dec. 29 2008
There are three distinct areas of exercise as it relates to health care � and reimbursement. Most trainers and fitness professionals are aware of cardiac rehab, which actually began... View More
Dec. 29 2008
Where It All Begins Statistics have long told us that an obese child will most likely become an obese adult. What causes a child to become... View More
Dec. 29 2008
A healthy collection of tasty meals is placed in your hands with this spiral-bound book. From breakfast to dinner in a snap, there are no more excuses for overeating or being defeated by high-calorie,... View More
Dec. 29 2008
I am beginning this article less than an hour after retuning from a 90-minute bike ride on an absolutely perfectly sunny day with a clear blue sky, a cool breeze and rolling terrain covered in bright green... View More
Dec. 29 2008
In the ever-expanding health and fitness market, there are opportunities to do good work and to expand business models. Wellness programs for the home health care market are a tremendous opportunity for... View More
Dec. 29 2008
Whether your clients are professional athletes, peewee football players, ballet dancers or �weekend warriors,� they probably know what it�s... View More
Dec. 29 2008
Gregg and Fatima expertly demonstrate both foundational as well as advanced combo exercises using a body bar. There is an excellent progression which starts with basic moves broken down in detailed descriptions... View More
Dec. 29 2008
Marketing is an evil word to some personal trainers, but lacking effective marketing skills can cost them their career. This book covers marketing in a language anyone can understand and disseminate. Not... View More
Dec. 10 2008
They purchase 51% of all personal training sessions, control over two trillion dollars of all disposable income and are being driven your way by chronic disease and the longing for the fountain of youth.... View More
Dec. 5 2008
A quick primer to beginning and progressive kettlebell workouts, The Great Kettlebell Handbook is an easy reference that would be handy to have on any trainers desk. In about 10 minutes, I pulled several... View More
Golf Ebook157_180x270
Dec. 5 2008
Execution Begin with a light to moderate dumbbell or kettlebell in the hand opposite the stance leg. Keeping the shoulder blades squeezed together, back flat, chest out and head up at all times, slowly... View More
Nov. 24 2008
Editor’s note: This article is part three of a series outlining steps and concepts for those with the desire to tackle the youth obesity epidemic. ... View More
Nov. 24 2008
Physicians are medical experts who sometimes dabble in the diet arena. Psychologists are behavior experts who sometimes give nutrition advice. Celebrities act like experts in a lot of areas, and they too... View More
Nov. 24 2008
Go into any large gym in world, and you will get hit by the whirs, lights, bangs and glitz of all the equipment and the facilities in which it is housed. You want to open your own training studio, and... View More
Nov. 24 2008
Personal fitness training is a profession. I’ll stand behind that statement without the least bit of hesitation. Those of us who are committed to excellence, who have commanded a knowledge... View More
Nov. 24 2008
Remember the good ol’ days, when all you had to focus on was training clients? There you were, the staff trainer, training hour after hour, concentrating only on the client in front... View More