May 14 2010
There'sa lot more to punctuality than just a few wasted minutes; it's amatter of self-esteem, respect and image. You communicate a lot by how youvalue your time and the time of others. Valuing time management... View More
May 11 2010
In the second part of a miniseries using theTRX Suspension Trainer, Brian demonstrates the Frontal Plane Reach,which exercises the gluteal muscle group and teaches safer dynamicplanting/cutting positions... View More
May 11 2010
First off, I'm not a vegan...oreven a vegetarian for that matter. However, I, like most health professionals,recognize the health, spiritual and environmental benefit of reducedconsumption of animal products.... View More
May 5 2010
One of my favorite shows on television right now is Deal or No Deal. I am sure you have all seen this show. Basically, a contestant chooses a briefcase by random hoping their case holds a one-million-dollar... View More
May 3 2010
DVD can be a great medium to take your program to consumers all over the US and beyond. But is it right for you? First, you need to consider "why" you want to or should go this route. Once you've adequately... View More
April 28 2010
Brianstarts a miniseries using the TRX Suspension Trainer with the first half of areaching progression, four single-leg, upper-body exercises that engage theposterior chain and increase hip flexion. See... View More
April 27 2010
It started one day with flashing lights. It seemed to Daryl Kucera that the florescent overhead lights in his office at the credit card company he was working at needed changing because the bulbs were... View More
April 27 2010
With all the craze over functional training, there has been endless confusion over what is "functional."â❠In a nutshell, if your training improves your activities of daily living, then it... View More
April 27 2010
How to create a team environment and boost retention for your personal training business (and eight systems you can use to keep it going) Personal training has been a very valuable profession for many... View More
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April 26 2010
Editor's Note: "The Boomers" is asix-part series on how you can make the baby boomer market successful withinyour fitness business. Part two, "10 Reasons You Should Know this Niche," uses both experience... View More
April 21 2010
Oneof the great things about the personal training industry is that it is a young,vibrant business that is growing and evolving every day. To some degree, we arepioneers or trailblazers moving into uncharted... View More
April 19 2010
It was January 12, 2010, when I watched in horror as the images of the Haiti earthquake flashed on my television. I purposely do not watch the news, but today I couldn't help myself. I couldn't believe... View More
April 14 2010
Brian continues his miniseries targeting the core with single-leg/single-arm diagonals, which are perfect for those clients seeking a greater challenge with three-dimensional movement. See 'Related Resources'... View More
April 14 2010
A well-put-together book withattractive food pictures, WaistlineWorkout is most beneficial for new trainers who might need help puttingtogether nutrition and exercise plans for clients.Written for the... View More
April 14 2010
Salesin its traditional sense, is a weird subject for personal trainers. Ifyou're familiar with my articles in PFP, you know that most of my advice isdesigned to help you sell yourself. If you get good... View More
April 7 2010
Last month, there was excitement, pressure and high expectations as Kansas and Northern Iowa took the center stage for March Madness! According to the media and the sports channels, Kansas was favored... View More
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April 2 2010
Editor's Note: "The Boomers" is a six-part series on how you can make the baby boomer market successful within your fitness business. Part one, "Your Bread and Butter?" takes a data-supported look at the... View More
March 31 2010
The neat thing about personal training is that it is just that: personal. It is different for everyone. Getting in shape means something unique to each person that you ask. It might mean losing weight.... View More
March 24 2010
I’ve never met a trainer who didn’t profess to love his/her job. However, I’ve seen many trainers drag themselves through the gym door just in time to make the session and offer up a... View More
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March 24 2010
Brian continues his miniseries targeting the core with the swimmer plank, which is great for the core and posterior chain. Ensure, however, that your client has sufficient shoulder stability before undergoing... View More