We've all had whiny clients. You know, the ones who always tell you thatthis hurts or that it's uncomfortable, or that there is some reason they whyit's tougher on them than it is on anyone else. Because most trainers are thetype of people who demand positive behaviors from themselves and others, thesewhiny clients can be tough to handle. We don't understand them. We aren't thetypes to offer up excuses, and it doesn't compute why these folks are.
I believe it's a matter of degree. Some clients are happy whiners - theones who moan and groan but do it anyway. These clients are definitely worthkeeping, and I've found that other clients kind of like them. They get somevoyeuristic pleasure through the whiner's moans and like that the whiner isfinding the workout tough. It makes them feel like they're not as wimpy as theythought, and they like that the whiner is giving the feedback to the trainerthat they'd like to give.
However, whiners that make excuses for their lack of commitment,compliance and follow-through may need to take a hike. They bring down the vibein the whole gym and definitely put a damper on your mojo. Test your energy levelafter a session with them - are you drained or fired up to make a difference intheir life? That's your biggest clue!