March 28 2011
Each morning at 5:30, I meet 60 women in a parking lot who are anticipating an hour of high-intensity, fat-incinerating, body-shaping, heart-enhancing, energy-boosting, muscle-strengthening and life-changing... View More
March 25 2011
For this installment of mymonthly column, I want to hit you with a BIG IDEA. Do you want to know thesecret to success for personal trainers and fitness business owners? And on theflip side, what causes... View More
Diagonal Hip Flexor Lunge Step (start)
March 23 2011
Brian demonstrates an exercise designed to improve hip mobility while also increasing strength and stability in the front side leg. See 'Related Resources' below for past Functionally Fits and other exercises... View More
March 23 2011
During a client session, have you everconsidered that your body language may be giving signals to the client that youare unaware of? Here are a few things to consider to keep you body languageconsistent... View More
March 23 2011
As an entrepreneur, my business has evolved over the years. Likemost trainers, I started off looking for as many clients as possible. Imeasured success by the number of sessions I, personally, did each... View More
March 23 2011
"Faster!!!" he commanded. "I can't..." she said. "YOU CAN! Faster!" he bellowed. She breathed heavily as every muscle in her body seemed to clench and quiver, obeying his commands, and the strange mix... View More
March 23 2011
The client who shows up religiously for their exercise program, brings in their completed meal/water/exercise logs, asks questions and tracks their progress in relation to the goals they worked out with... View More
March 23 2011
A male friend of mine was agonizing about where to take his sweetheart to dinner for Valentine's Day. I asked a few questions and found out that she doesn't really like fancy restaurants and neither does... View More
March 23 2011
In my last column, I gave you the blueprint for getting boatloads of clients into your fitness business by getting lead boxes into local businesses (plus, it's also an awesome way to grow your email list... View More
March 23 2011
Running and outdoor sports, while beneficial, leaves our bodies tight in many areas - usually the hamstrings, hips, quadriceps and calves. A good yoga practice can balance the body, bringing flexibility... View More
March 21 2011
The manufacture and sale of dietary supplements is a $25+billion per year industry. Sorting through the marketing claims, research, andhype for the 29,000+ dietary supplements available can be difficult... View More
March 16 2011
...... Barefoot running has become a popular topic amongrunners in the last two years. No doubt the attention of barefoot running hasbeen inspired by the popularity of the book Born to Run by ChristopherMcDougal.... View More
March 16 2011
Barefoot running has become a popular topic amongrunners in the last two years. No doubt the attention of barefoot running hasbeen inspired by the popularity of the book Born to Run by ChristopherMcDougal.... View More
Stationary (Profile Start)
March 9 2011
From Brian: During my assessments, I always utilize lunges in all three planes to observe and pick up movement dysfunction. So many times as fitness professionals, we are eager to use lunges as a solid... View More
little_male trainer-client_468x300
March 9 2011
It's not hard to pick out the personaltrainers at an industry event -- muscular, dressed in workout clothes eventhough they're in for full day of sitting, gallon jug of water in front of them(sitting can... View More
March 9 2011
It isn't uncommon for fitness professionals to blend a variety of fitness modalities into a workout -- throwing in a bit of yoga at the end of a cardio or strength session is a good example. However, sprinkling... View More
Feb. 28 2011
Therewas a time when I was once an innocent trainer with a very humble view of whatit meant to make it in the fitness business. I was looking at what everyoneelse was doing and based my plans off of that.... View More
Feb. 23 2011
Do you believe that the more you get, the better off you'll be? Or do you believe that the more youcontribute to your team, your gym, your clients -- even when it doesn't seem atto be in your best interest... View More
RDL Hip Driver (start)_0
Feb. 9 2011
Brian demonstrates an exercise that will help increase hip mobility/stability, hamstring flexibility and desirable strength and balance for optimal physical performance in your clients. Note: Some... View More
Feb. 9 2011
Much more than the outdated idea of water aerobics, Water Fitness Lesson Plans and Choreography proves that functional training can take place in the pool as well. If you take individual clients or groups... View More