June 22 2011
There it is again. That word. Results.Before we tackle a word that has found far too much exposure inadsfor everything from weight loss creams to diet programs, let'sstart with arhetorical question:Can... View More
June 22 2011
One of my longtime clients recently said, "You make it personal while always keeping it professional." She said that upon completing her 3,168th personal training session with me. She's one of 20... View More
June 22 2011
With how much time people spendsitting hunched over atdesks and computers or stuck intraffic on their commutesto and from work, it's no surprisewhen we see a clientwith poor posture. Not only does poorposture... View More
June 22 2011
WhenI was first certified, I was under the impression thatmyknowledge base and my ability to identify muscularimbalancewas going to help me get more clients.Iwas wrong and ultimately felt frustrated by... View More
June 22 2011
Each issue I'll going to be reviewing a dietary supplement the good, the bad and sometimes, the ugly. On the docket: Ribose. Ribose is a type of sugar that isn't made by your body. Due to promising data... View More
June 22 2011
Company: Calabrese Fitness Consulting LLC Certifications: ACE, NSCA, NESTA, AAHFRP Education: Rutgers University, East Stroudsburg University Contact Info: Email: kelli@kellicalabrese.com Website: www.kellicalabrese.com... View More
June 22 2011
Over the last several years, more and more tools and gadgetshave been addedto a fitness professional's toolbox. With the clutter in ourtoolboxes, we oftenforget the tools that got us to where we are.Let's... View More
June 22 2011
Youare one of several personal trainers at your fitness center, and you wantmembersto notice and, ultimately, train with you. Some of the other trainersonthe floor include bodybuilding champions and fitness... View More
June 22 2011
Ourindustry has proven that peopleloveto exercise in groups. Today'smoreprogressive health clubsandworkout facilities are makingdramaticchanges in their layoutsandalso in their target markets tooffertheir... View More
June 22 2011
It's a simple thing. Sign up for an online personal training platform, write up a little blurb about it on your website, and you'll get a ton of new online clients from every corner of the world... ...a... View More
T Spine Mobility Start
June 8 2011
As he wraps up his tight-ankle series, Brian demonstrates two effective body weight training exercises to improve closedchain ankle dorsiflexion.If you're just beginning the series, check out Ankle Dorsiflexion... View More
June 8 2011
As fitness professionals, we are continually faced withsimilar concerns among our female clientele. They don't want to "bulk up,"they want to "tone" and "lengthen" their muscles, longcardio is the only... View More
June 8 2011
Living and working as a busy fitness professional,especially with a non-stop daily schedule from before-sunrise to after-sunset, maynot just lead to exhaustion, but a feeling at the end of the week like... View More
June 3 2011
Everytwo or three years we, as certified personal trainers, are required to earn a predeterminednumber of continued education units (CEU) to maintain our certification status.Every recertification period... View More
May 24 2011
Much has been written about getting past "plateaus." The concept assumes that at one time, you were actually moving in a positive direction and that you are now... stuck. It is frustrating beyond belief... View More
May 18 2011
A friend is going through a divorce that has left her numb and confused. She's not sure she wants to go through with the proceedings. The lawyers are pressuring her to move forward quickly but her heart... View More
May 18 2011
If you're already familiar withtraining older adults, you know that special considerations need to be takenand program adjustments need to me made. If you're not yet familiar with theneeds of this population,... View More
FW Reaching Lunge
May 18 2011
As he wraps up his tight-ankle series, Brian demonstrates two effective body weight training exercises to improve closedchain ankle dorsiflexion. If you're just beginning the series, check out Ankle... View More
May 4 2011
I've been battling an out-of-alignment hip, which made itself known through shooting knee pain late in a 14-mile run. This injury, where my right hip was higher than my left, has plagued me for more than... View More
May 4 2011
This comprehensive guide to avoiding andovercoming running injuries is a must for all fitness professionals who traindistance runners. Beginning with healthy training practices, Running Doc'sGuide to Healthy... View More