Nov. 23 2010
When is the last time you expressed sincere gratitude to each client? To your boss? To your employees? To your co-workers? To everybody who makes what you do possible? Tomorrow is Thanksgiving; consider... View More
Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch Start
Nov. 22 2010
In the latest edition of Functionally Fit, Brian adds tubing to add support and increase continuity of the Hip Flexor Stretch. This exercise is good for relieving hip and abdominal tightness, both contributors... View More
Nov. 22 2010
So many times in our articles, at least in my articles, Itry to focus on things that will bring value to our personal trainingbusiness. I try to show creative ways toearn new business, keep current business... View More
Nov. 19 2010
So many things go into building a successful fitnesstraining business that it is easy to neglect one aspect while working onanother. The-day-to-day work of booking and working with clients can mean thatyou... View More
Nov. 12 2010
When it comes to boot camps and group training, you'll find most trainers have an either/or attitude. You'll find them taking a stance behind one or the other business model and defending their position... View More
Nov. 11 2010
Whether you buy The Impact Body Plan for a client or for yourself, it is a must have. Author Todd Durkin is well on his way to becoming a legend in this industry, and you'll see why once you read this... View More
Nov. 11 2010
I have a quote taped to the inside of the notebook by which I live my life. That quote, by Robert Heinlein, reads, "In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily... View More
Nov. 10 2010
In a continuation of his BOSU series, Brian demonstrates an exercise that is great for a total-body workout, especially swimmers and throwers looking to improve scapular stability and trunk control. See... View More
Nov. 8 2010
In high school, I ran cross countryand remembered loving it whenever I stumbled onto a song on my Walkman with abeat that coincided with my pace. Not only does the right music make a workoutmore enjoyable,... View More
Oct. 29 2010
Look around and it is clear what time of year it is! The cobwebs,plastic skeletons and orange everywhere you look indicate that it's time forHalloween. This weekend, cute little kids in their little costumes... View More
Oct. 27 2010
In a continuation of his BOSU Balance Trainer series Brian demonstrates an exercise to increase shoulder and core strength and stability, a great exercise for overhead athletes. See 'Related Resources'... View More
Oct. 27 2010
I'm going toaddress a subject that I've covered more than a few times: the subject ofcompensation. More specifically, I want to address how personal trainers arecompensated in relation to the financial... View More
Oct. 27 2010
What if every time you trained a client, they walked away not only having had a great workout, but also with a tidbit of information or inspiration to carry with them through the rest of the day? Imagine... View More
Oct. 15 2010
I'm sure you've heard it a million times: "Don’t give away your services. It devalues you as a professional. Doctors don't give away their time." As a professional, you should charge your normal... View More
Oct. 15 2010
Talk might be cheap, but public speaking is good for the bottom line. Premier voices in our industry are now recognized worldwide: JC Santana, Paul Chek, Bob Esquerre and so many others. Have you heard... View More
Oct. 15 2010
The battling ropes are a tool once used only for training MMA fighters and hard-core athletes. I went back and forth about whether I wanted to invest in one for my clients and for my own use, and I finally... View More
Oct. 15 2010
I want to talk to you about a topic that's pretty elusive to most health club operators and trainers: converting members into personal training clients. In fact, most health clubs undervalue the benefits... View More
Oct. 14 2010
I began coaching when I was 15 years old as an assistant for a summer club swim team in Roswell, Georgia. I wrestled in high school in Littleton, Colorado and always had trouble making weight. Those were... View More
Oct. 13 2010
For those with triathlon or cycling clients, this a great book to recommend or keep in your arsenal. The Time-Crunched Cyclist, written by Lance Armstrong's personal cycling coach Chris Carmichael, offers... View More
Oct. 13 2010
In a continuation of his BOSU Balance Trainer series, Brian combines the plank and Balance Trainer to create a simple exercise for improving core strength and stability. See 'Related Resources' below for... View More