Feb. 9 2011
It's the most dangerous idea a newclient can have, but it's most likely what drove them to you in the firstplace. It's the "All or Nothing" mindset, the "If I can't exercise everydayand eat perfect then... View More
Feb. 9 2011
You may have noticed already. In case you haven't... I'm here to tell you that January is over! We are now in the second month of the year. New Year's Eve was FIVE weeks ago. If you haven't started to... View More
Feb. 3 2011
Does a person who leaves a legacy of change, social andindividual improvement and self-challenge have to be larger than life? No. Theperson who leaves a legacy could be you, me, or the trainer down the... View More
Jan. 31 2011
This year promises to be prosperous for many in fitness. With a renewed enthusiasm in consumer spending and a population that is still at critical mass (no pun intended!) for weight loss and fitness guidance,... View More
Jan. 31 2011
...oh what a party we could have! Creating a motivating momentum that will squash the 'ifs' and 'buts' can be very effective in client retention when you tackle it from two fronts simultaneously. How?... View More
Jan. 31 2011
M arketing your fitness business is all about getting what you want. It's about getting your clients to give you referrals. It's about getting search engines to give you traffic. And it's about getting... View More
Jan. 31 2011
Goals. Resolutions. Promises. The tendency to look ahead kicks up to a seasonal high during the first few months of a new year, and without reflecting, without looking backward, you pursue your goals with... View More
Jan. 31 2011
I personally don't believe in resolutions. Perhaps it is because I manage to break them before the first day of the year is over! But this is the time of year when the gyms swell with new clients eager... View More
Jan. 31 2011
Yoga continues to be one of the fastest growing exercises in America, and the exercise science field is finally catching up with the growing trend of yoga as a great form of functional fitness. We are... View More
Jan. 31 2011
Do you know what Zumba is? Do you have an online site that offers support to your clients? Do you offer a nutrition element in your training? Are you planning to add any of these to your repertoire? Do... View More
Jan. 31 2011
As we become established fitness instructors, we search for new ways to increase our business and our presence in the industry. One way that many have tried, with varying degrees of success, is to publish... View More
Jan. 31 2011
When a client wants to train for a marathon, running coach and trainer Dr. Jason Karp isn't quick to begin stacking on the miles. Instead, he works with the client to lay a proper foundation of form and... View More
Jan. 31 2011
Whether your clients are lawyers, soccer moms or dads or businessmen or women, they all want to make the best use of their workout time. Although organizations like the American Heart Association, the... View More
Jan. 31 2011
In a survey of personal training clients, higher education ranked first (over experience) as the most sought after trait in a personal trainer. Earning continued education units (CEU) is required to maintain... View More
Jan. 27 2011
LeonardoDa Vinci said "Simplicity is theultimate sophistication." While we may not always take life and careeradvice from Leonardo Da Vinci, that little bit of advice shouldbe kept in mind when designing... View More
Jan. 26 2011
In January, I find myself preaching about the value of goingback to "basics" with my clients. There is so much madnesssurrounding New Year's Resolutions that it is hard to remember that the basicsnever... View More
Reverse Diver Start
Jan. 19 2011
In his latest Functionally Fit column, Brian offers an exercise to activate and strengthen the extensor muscles, rhomboids and lower trapezius for reduced shoulder pain.See 'Related Resources' below for... View More
Jan. 19 2011
Our clients rely on us to hold them accountable. In fact, that'sprobably the most critical part of our jobs, because if clients aren'taccountable to their goals, chances are they won't succeed.Which begs... View More
Jan. 18 2011
It is January. You could almost say it is the Fitness Industry Buffet! More people make New Year resolutions to get into shape, eat better, lose weight and change their habits. For people in the fitness... View More
Jan. 14 2011
One cold dayin Omaha, Nebraska, a very dedicated gym member told me, "Procrastination isthe assassination of motivation." Wow! That statement not only is lyrical butalso fitting for the beginning of 2011.... View More