Sept. 15 2011
Another installment in a series of exercises featuring BOSU, Brian demonstrates an exercise that promotes shoulder, core and hip stability. Execution: Begin in a push-up position with the BOSU... View More
Sept. 15 2011
We know that our clients, as are each of us, are driven by results. Whether "results"â❠means weight loss, a decrease in inches, more energy, more confidence, running a race at record time,... View More
Sept. 13 2011
Every year I attend two or three large fitness-related conferences to further my education, network with other professionals, and to recharge my batteries by getting away from the daily grind of training... View More
Sept. 8 2011
In the second of a series of exercise featuring BOSU, Brian demonstrates another exercise that challenges the hips and core. Note: This is an advanced core and hip strengthening exercise. Clients... View More
book review
Sept. 4 2011
In the spirit of PFP's Mind and Body theme for September and October, Think Fit 2 Be Fit, is a perfect book that embraces the connection of the mind-body connection for ultimate health and wellness. Tammy... View More
Man doing yoga
Sept. 4 2011
As a competitive athlete for more than 35 years, I train everyday with a balanced body/mind philosophy. With heart disease levels at an all time high, taking unneeded stress levels off the heart is a good... View More
Sept. 2 2011
We've all had, or at some point will probably encounter, that one client who seems to resist any advice, contest every exercise, or question whatever program you have designed for them.It may seem ironic... View More
Aug. 17 2011
In the first of a series of exercise featuring BOSU, Brian demonstrates an exercise that challenges the hips and core in terms of anti-rotation strengthening and stability. It may look easy, but... View More
Aug. 17 2011
If you have taken the path of being both an entrepreneur and working fitness professional, you probably realized very quickly that the demands of managing and growing a business and being your own boss... View More
Aug. 17 2011
It's been nearly five months since I opened my private indoor bootcamp facility. As you can imagine, the first few months were rough, but now we're rolling. I have a great location, a great staff, and... View More
Aug. 12 2011
(If you missed Part 1 inthe July-August issue of PFP, check it out here)A famousphilosopher once said, "Quality is not an act, it is a habit." Withthat habit of quality, one must "inspect" what they "expect."In... View More
Aug. 8 2011
Did you ever hear the analogy of the shoemaker with holes inhis shoes? ...or the dentist with bad teeth?Too often professionals find themselves too busy taking careof their businesses and their clients... View More
Psoas Manipulation (1)
Aug. 3 2011
In the latest issue of Functionally Fit, Brian takes aim at the psoas muscle. This muscle can tighten up in runners, cyclists, swimmers and those who sit frequently during the day, leading to back pain,... View More
Aug. 3 2011
Whether our client is a novice exerciser or Ironman athlete, as fitness professionals, it is our obligation to educate our clients about the critical importance of rest and recovery for optimal performance.... View More
Aug. 3 2011
Gainingmomentum in the fitness industry when you are just diving in can be a challenge,especially if you're trying to build your first client base. Whether you'relooking for more clients in your gym or... View More
Aug. 2 2011
Two years ago, I had the opportunity to attend a continuededucation clinic ("From Counting Reps to Counting Revenue") taught bytwo of the most successful fitness professionals in our business. AlwynCosgrove... View More
Aug. 1 2011
It is an exciting era to be a part of the fitness industry. Our businessesno longer need be confined to the walls of a studio or a gym; there are opportunitiesonline, in the corporate setting, outdoors,... View More
Aug. 1 2011
Lynn did three workouts with me and then she whined and complained and told me the sky was falling. I went to her house, dragged her by her collar, put a medicine ball in her hand and forced her to do... View More
Aug. 1 2011
DO you remember the very first product you everofferedto your prospects and clients? Think backlong, long ago when you were first starting out...Your first product was time with you, the trainerwho would... View More
Aug. 1 2011
In this millennium, webelieve the companies that are sociallyresponsible will prosper from good will and goodkarma. Together we are changing the paradigm of whatit means to do good business -- really good... View More