Dec. 1 2011
Today there are so many different opinions on how one should exercise. Which type of training should I be doing is the big question? Do I perform slow reps, fast reps, do I use a bench or a physio ball,... View More
Nov. 28 2011
If there is one thing that's true it's that personal trainers generally find it difficult to continually attract and find new clients. It doesn't have to be this way.First, you need to think about what... View More
Quadruped Rocking (start)
Nov. 18 2011
Scapular winging and tilting is a common problem in many clients. This can be the result of long thoracic nerve palsy, tightness in the pec minor, weakness in the serratus anterior, excessive thoracic... View More
PS logo
Nov. 18 2011
PFP is pleased to announce the winner of the October/November Power Systems $100 giveaway:Dan McGovernPresident, Sport-RXCongratulations to Dan! Be on the lookout for more PFP promotions in the... View More
Nov. 18 2011
We're already coming to the end of another year of business. Most entrepreneurs use this time to start laying out plans for next year, however, I believe that before embarking on a marketing strategy or... View More
WP logo
Nov. 18 2011
If the thought of getting a new website online scares you, you are not alone. Finding a web "expert"â❠who speaks enough non-techie jargon to actually be able to communicate with you, arguing... View More
Nov. 15 2011
What I'm about to share with you may not fall in line with what you're currently doing now, so be sure to try to pick out the areas where you may be able to become more efficient. 1. Define Your Complimentary... View More
Nov. 6 2011
PFP is pleased to announce the winners of our 2011 Lebert Equalizer contest!In March, PFP subscribers who renewed were entered into a free drawing for one of two Lebert Equalizers -- a simple, portable,... View More
Scapular Mini Band Adduction (1)_0
Nov. 4 2011
Shoulder impingement and scapular dysfunction are common issues that plague many clients. Research indicates that certain muscles tend to dominate others while other muscles fatigue easily leading to faulty... View More
Oct. 31 2011
The certified personal training (CPT) business has many perks. We get to select our own work schedules, pick and choose which clients we want to work with, most of us are allowed to charge our own rates... View More
Oct. 25 2011
Fitness professionals often ask me how I attract new client leads and how I then convert and retain lifelong clients. I've created a simple formula that has worked for me and for other fitness professionals;... View More
book review
Oct. 25 2011
From preface-to-conclusion, Jonathan Bailor cleverly articulates the misinformation that has inundated Americans' views on fat loss for the last 30 years. His book is not just an enjoyable read, but his... View More
Oct. 20 2011
How would you like to create an unending supply of social proof, dozens of raving fans and create several referral leads with very little effort? One of my top coaching clients has been doing something... View More
Side Plank w Hip ABD
Oct. 17 2011
It is no secret that improving hip strength and stability is an important part of any corrective exercise strategy as well as general training program. With limited time in training sessions, it is important... View More
Oct. 17 2011
Whether it is your first employee or your hundredth, hiring a new team member is bound to be a decision that creates anxiety and often frustration. I have listed below a few of the most valuable lessons... View More
Oct. 17 2011
What I'm about to share with you just may be the most backwards advice you've ever heard, but nonetheless it will help you build your business faster than any other sales or marketing strategy. Every... View More
Oct. 11 2011
While walking from my office to the front desk to meet my new client for her initial consultation I wonder what kind of energy she is going to give off. In the past I've had some wonderful consultations... View More
Oct. 1 2011
Another installment in a series of exercises featuring BOSU, Brian demonstrates an exercise that promotes shoulder, core and hip stability. Note: This exercise can be done in an inclined or... View More
Sept. 30 2011
I've known for a long time that I've wanted to be in the fitness industry. I remember the first time my father took me to the gym at the age of 13. He showed me the squat rack and the dip bar and I was... View More
book review
Sept. 30 2011
As fitness professionals, we are just as much in the mindset and motivation industry as we are in the fitness industry. Ed Tseng's book, "Game. Set. Life." is a quintessential read, not only for personal... View More