Many fitnessprofessionals are often daunted and overwhelmed by the concept of"marketing." It is often thought of as synonymous with"hard-selling," making quick, pressured sales or simply having agreat logo or a visually appealing website. Regardless of whether you are anindividual trainer in a gym, an entrepreneur or a multiple-location gym owner,your marketing strategy is truly the bread and butter of evolving success.
Think ofmarketing as simply the best avenue to communicate your services to better thelives of your potential client. Bottom line, in order to get new clients andmaintain your current clients, you need to convey your message to those who arewilling to pay you for your services; this is achieved through thoughtfulmarketing and consistent messaging.
With everyaction you consider taking, ask yourself these important questions beforecommitting:
- Does marketing in this specific space make sense given my target market? (i.e. If you are focused on training women in their 40s and 50s, participating in a bridal showcase does not make sense)
- Will this action appeal to and add value to my target market?
- What is the potential return on investment of this action and is this the best use of my time and money that will have a direct impact on my business?
Once you committo an action, whether it is as simple as communicating regularly with yourclients or investing in a new website, it is important to evaluate whether yourdecisions are aligned with your values, your desired public perception, and inthe interest of future growth and success.
A successfulmulti-layered marketing strategy includes (depending on the level of yourbusiness and available resources):
- Multimedia advertising that effectively conveys your message (print, radio, TV, PR, etc.).
- Consistent branding of your business through collateral, websites, blogs, logos, graphics, etc.
- Email marketing to communicate regularly with your clients and potential clients.
- Utilizing Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media outlets to create conversations with your market. Think of every single posting as an advertisement for your business, including your personal posts; every post conveys a message, be sure that it accurately reflects the integrity of your business.
- Community service and giveback
- Networking with potential joint ventures or professional partnerships and only collaborating with those whose message aligns with your values and services.
- Your physical appearance and presentation (as well as that of your employees, if applicable); impressions are critical to the continuity of your business.
Your perspectiveof success-driven marketing needs to be dynamic and multi-layered: every single action you take thatrelates to your business is a critical piece of your overall messaging,marketing and public perception. Furthermore, do not overlook the importance ofthe actions you take as an individual, as they also are reflective of yourbusiness. Most of what your marketing strategy encompasses can cost you verylittle, if anything, in terms of monetary investment. With consistent messagingand thoughtful marketing your business will continue to evolve to the furthestlevel of success.