BOSU SL Stick (start)_0
Jan. 5 2011
In his latest column, Brian demonstrates anexercise that will help prevent ACL injuries and increase ankle stability, among other benefits. See 'Related Resources' below for past Functionally Fits and... View More
Jan. 5 2011
If you don't work for an employer who gives you a Yearly Review, you should do one yourself. They are really that valuable. The benefit of having an employer do one is you get an objective opinion on your... View More
Jan. 5 2011
Calling itself The Pilates Bible sets the bar high, but this book lives up to its title. It is a comprehensive detailing of Pilates, from fundamentals on the mat to advanced exercises on Pilates-specific... View More
Dec. 22 2010
What do Katy Perry, Catherine Zeta Jones, and a gecko lizard have in common? Before your mind jumps to some perverted fantasy, let me tell you what I’m getting at: All three of them are spokespeople... View More
Crossing Lunge Start
Dec. 21 2010
In his latest Functionally Fit, Brian demonstrates two versions of crossing lunges, both of which are good for increasing hip strength and stability.Note: These lunges can be done moving in a forward orbackward... View More
Dec. 21 2010
After writing the Journey to Success profiles of highly paid, highly sought-after trainers for two years now, I've found one thing that many of them have in common: they take the week between Christmas... View More
Dec. 10 2010
During this time of year, we are placing many things in abox and wrapping them up to look great. The only think we cannot keep in thebox this part of the year is our creativity! We, as professional trainers,... View More
Dec. 8 2010
I spoke at a business luncheon this week and my goal was to not onlygenerate business for our studio but also to, in the minds of those in theaudience, create a wide gap between my trainers and what they... View More
Dec. 8 2010
If you need some inspiration on ab exercises to integrate into your client's workout, look no further. Abs Revealed is a full-color, full-picture guide to helping your client create the six-pack to keep... View More
TRX Use 3-1
Dec. 7 2010
Fitness Quest 10 &Todd Durkin Enterprises EDUCATION:BS in Kinesiology, College of William& Mary; MA inBiomechanics and SportsMedicine, San DiegoState University; NewLife Institute (nowRising Spirit Institute)Massage... View More
Dec. 7 2010
Daily YOGA for stress POSTURES You and your clients can take all of these postures out of the gym and use any time of year. Chest Expansion Great for good posture, anti-aging, mood elevating and expanding.... View More
Dec. 7 2010
Quick Tips to Maintain Client Motivation Reformat goals: Give clients something more meaningful than lifting more weight or doing more reps. Rather than trying to increase a bench press by a certain number... View More
Dec. 7 2010
Dale Carnegie once said, "Whendealing with people, remember you are not dealing withpersons of logic, but rather persons of emotions."How true is this statement when it comes topersonal training? Every... View More
Dec. 3 2010
As we approach the end of the year, it is common to lookback and come up with Top 10 Lists and Best of Lists etc...In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought that I would puttogether a list of my Top 10... View More
Dec. 2 2010
As new fitness professionals, we work to improve the health and performanceour clients' bodies. Our primary focus is on forcing the body to adapt toincreasing workloads by building muscle and burning fat.... View More
Dec. 2 2010
Diet? Yup. Exercise? Yup. Tried that, triedall of it. Nothing works.That's, if not a fair conclusion, certainly an understandableone when itinhabits the belief system of any individual who has attempteddiets... View More
Dec. 2 2010
George Bernard Shaw once said, "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." Ever have a discussion with a client where both of you unknowingly walk away with a... View More
Dec. 2 2010
It would be remiss of PFP to have a mind and body issue and leave out the third part of the trilogy, "spirit." I know, never talk religion or politics. Well, this wouldn't be the first time I went against... View More
Dec. 2 2010
Long hours, deadlines, finances, politics, personalities and confinement – let's face it: Work is stressful. Most employees deal with their stress with a break of some kind and usually not a healthy... View More
Dec. 2 2010
It often seems that between Thanksgiving and New Year’s our clients minds totally disconnect from their bodies. This is when they need us the most and yet they show up the least. While it always... View More