I began coaching when I was 15 years old as an assistant for a summer club swim team in Roswell, Georgia. I wrestled in high school in Littleton, Colorado and always had trouble making weight. Those were... View More
For those with triathlon or cycling clients, this a great book to recommend or keep in your arsenal. The Time-Crunched Cyclist, written by Lance Armstrong's personal cycling coach Chris Carmichael, offers... View More
In a continuation of his BOSU Balance Trainer series, Brian combines the plank and Balance Trainer to create a simple exercise for improving core strength and stability. See 'Related Resources' below for... View More
After the initial burst of fitness enthusiasm is over, a client can sometimes get flaky. Suddenly training sessions don't take the precedence they once did, eating gets sloppy, and body fat and circumference... View More
The working theme forthis issue of PFP was "Sales Stinks." Notbecause there isanything inherently wrong with selling -- in fact, it's criticalto staying in business --but because most trainers perceive... View More
I know the resistance we, as fitnessprofessionals, have toward selling.Not only do I know it first hand, I understand it. We're notwired tosell. We're wired to help people. Offering assistance comesnaturallyfor... View More
I believe in adding onvalue rather than cutting my price. Like you, Icharge a fair price formy services and give clients every penny's worth.Communicating that valueto a prospect is easy when they are... View More
The concept of bartering is not new. Over the years, I have bartered services for things like accounting, catering, ad space and photography. I view it somewhat like a marriage: It's rarely ever an equal... View More
A slowdown in attendance only makes it all the more important that you pick up the pace on promoting your studio. Keep catering to your target market, but cast a wider net to capture a greater audience.... View More
We all want our clients to be healthy, but I discovered early on that very few people buy health or wellness. What they do buy is fat loss, better energy, a happy mood, better sex and looking younger,... View More
Nicki Anderson realized early in life how painful it is to be obese. And when she discovered the nutrition/ exercise cure, she planted the seeds for a future career as a highly regarded trainer, successful... View More
Some of you reading this might be a littletoo young to remember, but there was a comedian back in the '80s when I wasgrowing up named Rodney Dangerfield. He's the guy that used tocomplain about how he... View More
With fierce competition inthe marketplace, it's getting more difficult to bring in new clients. Now, youcan easily maximize revenue for each of your clients with these 6 easy strategies!You've got your... View More
I had a couple of really neat things happen this week at work. We had a client named "Jim" that did incredible things with us a couple of years ago. He is a 47-year -old business owner who is very busy... View More
The Public Speaking Payoff, Part 2: The Work is the second part of Ilene Bergelson's two-part article on successful public speaking events. If you haven't yet, check out Part 1 in the October issue of... View More
In a continuation of his BOSU Ball series, Brian adds the BOSU Ball to the Single-Leg Lateral Reach to create a great exercise for injury prevention, general strengthening, ankle/knee/hip rehab and performance... View More
Have you ever noticed during the times in your life when your personal workouts are stale, you're semi-burnt out, and you wade through your training sessions in rote fashion, that your clients aren't that... View More
Even though it was a ton of work, I have to tell you that being a trainerbecame fun once I had my own training studio. Despite the fact that I madeevery possible mistake in the beginning and put in 70-hour... View More
Summer has nearly come to an end, people are returning from their vacations, the big rush to get into shape for the beach has justabout drizzled out. So, we need to shake things up a bit. We want to make... View More
In the first of a series of exercises to do with a BOSU ball, Brian demonstrates BOSU Ball Split Squat Diagonal Chops, which can be used to improve balance, hip strength/stability, hip flexor extensibility... View More