With the New Year just around the corner, I thought I would give you the actual FORMULA for quickly and easily getting clients into your fitness business. Mind you, these are not marketing strategies or tactics.

Now, the reason I call what I'm about to teach you a "formula" and not a strategy is because this works with every strategy and tactic used to get prospects, such as lead boxes, Facebook, SEO, Pay-Per-Click, direct mail, print ads and word-of-mouth referrals.

I guess you can say this is more of a "way of thinking" on your part than anything else. Here's what I mean…

When most fitness professionals get a lead, they instantly go into "sales mode" and attempt to turn that prospect into a client by overwhelming them with information in hopes the person will sign up. However, what most people don't realize is that no one is going to buy from you if (1) they don't know, like, and trust you; and (2) if you come off desperate for the sale.

So if you've ever encountered objections and resistance from a prospect, it's most likely because you failed to follow this marketing formula:

First, imagine your community -- the area that you will be marketing -- as a pond. Also imagine a funnel for a moment. Everyone in the pond is a suspect, and those suspects are at the very top of your marketing funnel.

By using the marketing and lead generation tactics and strategies you are going to differentiate the prospects from the suspects by making irresistible offers. This is where most fitness trainers go wrong because they instantly go into sales mode and attempt to sell the prospect on a program without building a relationship, winning trust, or positioning expert credibility and authority. This is why your prospect will instantly go into "buyer's resistance mode" and start launching off objections at you. Never fun.

The process that is missing, and is most critical, is the "prospect incubation time." This is where you use email marketing, video marketing, social proof, expert articles that you have written to position yourself, and establish rapport. Essentially what you are doing is taking the prospect from a place of being indifferent about you and your services, to recognizing you as the local fitness expert and trusted authority on all things fitness and fat loss. You get them to know, like, and trust you.

By taking this extra step in incubating your prospect you are ensuring an easier sales process, fewer or no objections and often times, a larger investment in your program. Best of all, by positioning yourself as an expert and a person of credibility and authority, you will retain that client for a longer period of time and stimulate more referrals.

Bedros Keuilian teaches thousands of fitness trainers systems and strategies to grow their business and get more clients. Get more fitness marketing systems from Bedros by visiting his blog, www.PTPower.com.