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Nov. 11 2022
There are solid ways to grow your business without spending so much of your time and money. Have you considered that your clients and your time could be your best marketing assets?... View More
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Nov. 3 2022
When it comes to online marketing, most fitness business owners are pretty limited in what they choose to do... View More
July 12 2022
This past year has been a wild one, to say the least. No one could have predicted it was coming, and when it did no one knew how to handle it.It’s important to acknowledge that this past year has... View More
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May 19 2022
5 outside-of-the-box fitness options to consider... View More
June 2 2021
With vaccine rollouts, people everywhere are excited to finally “get back to normal.” But there isn’t really going to be a return to the way things used to be — and that’s... View More
March 4 2021
By saying no to opportunities that do not serve personal and business goals, it creates time to pursue ones that do... View More
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Oct. 12 2020
If you can’t attract an audience, you can’t earn a dime online... View More
Sept. 30 2020
It can certainly be overwhelming and make even seasoned fitness professionals feel pressured to jump on the virtual bandwagon... View More
online training
Sept. 28 2020
For the past decade, most services have been migrating to online, or at least having an online element to them. In the past year, the migration to online became not just a “nice-to-have” or... View More
medical fitness
Sept. 28 2020
Explore these non-traditional avenues to earn income and make an impact... View More
June 24 2020
4 ways to navigate strategically and generate cashflow... View More
June 10 2020
The future of fitness is trending toward an online presence... View More
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May 29 2020
Our colleagues share their ideas as we navigate through these unprecedented times... View More
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Feb. 18 2020
Are there any blue oceans really left in the fitness industry? Maybe everything has already been played out — same pig, new lipstick... View More
April 3 2019
Success requires daily consistency and exploration of things that don't come as easily to fitness professionals as working out... View More
April 3 2019
Use fitness programming to create your business culture and support your overarching future goals... View More
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Jan. 3 2019
Define the scope of practice of today's certified personal trainer... View More
Jan. 3 2019
Stay current with the constantly evolving science of movement and training... View More
Jan. 3 2019
Is it time to re-evaluate your fitness career and take that next step toward your ideal position?... View More
Jan. 3 2019
At every stage of business, mentors can play a vital role in professional and personal development... View More