book review
April 2 2014
Written by two endurance athletes, combined with an extensive background in food as well as in fitness, The Athlete's Cookbook is a perfect addition to your shelf: whether it's alongside your cookbooks... View More
April 1 2014
Diversifying the services or products your business offers can either be your Achilles heel or your ticket to success. Having multiple profit centers or revenue streams (whichever you prefer to call it)... View More
March 25 2014
It's funny, but I'm sure you will agree, that as a coach there are times when you become your own student. Here's what I mean by that: every year I either attend or present at the annual Fitness Business... View More
March 15 2014
Building a clientele isn't easy. In fact it can be extremely difficult. However, the more irons you put in the fire the more clients you will attract, making your job as a trainer easier. To develop a... View More
March 15 2014
If you own a small group training studio or boot camp, successfully selling higher-priced memberships and programs requires a different approach than selling big-box gym memberships or even personal training... View More
book review
March 2 2014
Comprehensive business books specifically focused on the fitness industry are far and few between. Authors Bradley Sheppard and Jason Urbanowicz have written a complete start-to-finish guide for creating... View More
March 1 2014
As consumers, we often have our "wishlists" from the companies we buy from. Maybe we want the product in a different color or to have new options; we wish the company's website was more user-friendly or... View More
Feb. 25 2014
Too often when I review promotional emails, scripts, copy or ideas from new coaching clients I read emails that are full of detail and devoid of emotion, reason or fulfill the question of, why? As fitness... View More
Feb. 15 2014
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." Leo... View More
Feb. 15 2014
Most of our clients are conditioned to believe in an artificial definition of success. Most clients come to us seeking what they believe to be their goal, but in fact is their desired result. They want... View More
Feb. 8 2014
I read a blog post recently on this subject and found it very interesting, and quite relevant. I thought if the question is being asked, then let's address it! There is no doubt there are lots of people... View More
Feb. 3 2014
There are lots of continuing education courses out there, and you have limited time and funds to invest. In order to help you to choose the educational direction that will best benefit you, here are five... View More
book review
Feb. 2 2014
Mark Verstegen, founder of EXOS and author of Core Performance, along with Pete Williams, have released Every Day is Game Day, a completely integrated program for elite performance. This comprehensive... View More
Feb. 1 2014
We spend nearly our whole lives being schooled; for our first 18-plus years, lesson plans, arguably, set the pace of our most impressionable time of life. While we're taught the practice of hypothesis,... View More
Jan. 25 2014
When I speak to a new coaching client they always want to know the best method to get more clients right now. In today's world, technology provides so many viable new options for marketing than were previously... View More
Jan. 15 2014
Every January, millions of people flock to every gym andfitness center in the country, on a mission to be fit. As fitness people we areprimed and ready to take on new clients because of the resolution... View More
Jan. 15 2014
I recentlycalled my bank to contest a duplicate ATM fee that I was incorrectly chargedbecause the ATM was malfunctioning. I wasn't anticipating it to take more thanabout 5 or 10 minutes of my time; unfortunately,... View More
book review
Jan. 2 2014
At the core of any successful fitness professional is a firm understanding of human anatomy and the effective application of safe, effective movement. Bret Contreras, MS, CSCS, has compiled years of research... View More
Jan. 1 2014
The start of the New Year always brings a sense of excitement, hopefulness, and it's a great time to give our business mindset a fresh start. However, it's easy to fall into some common traps. Here are... View More
Dec. 26 2013
As a fitness professional if you're excitedly expecting dozens of new clients to flock to you come January first, I'm sorry to tell you; but you're probably going to be sorely disappointed. January is... View More