I sat in a velvet theatre seat, ready to relax, sip my coffee and take in a morning of presentations at Growth Day in L.A. Instead, I was nearly sweating, taking pages of notes on my lap during this bomb-dropping business seminar. This event was hosted by Brendon Burchard, award-winning author, and recently voted one of the most influential speakers in the world. My notebook agrees.
He shared a quote that fits this money-themed issue. Burchard said:
Let’s dig into that. As fitness professionals, we help people lose weight and tone up (how many times have you heard that from a client). But you and I know that we do so much more than that. Our ability to sign more clients, keep more clients and provide more services to our clients comes down to our ability to solve deeper problems. We have to get below the surface to deeper pain points. We have to paint a picture of what is possible if they invest in themselves. That unlocks our impact and our earnings.
"Your next level of earning is tied to your articulation of the problem.”
Let’s dig into that. As fitness professionals, we help people lose weight and tone up (how many times have you heard that from a client). But you and I know that we do so much more than that. Our ability to sign more clients, keep more clients and provide more services to our clients comes down to our ability to solve deeper problems. We have to get below the surface to deeper pain points. We have to paint a picture of what is possible if they invest in themselves. That unlocks our impact and our earnings.
Make a list of all the bigger problems that you solve, in your specific niche or area of expertise. The list is endless. What’s on yours?
Examples: avoid costly medication, reduce chances of lifestyle related disease, recover from injury or illness faster, wake up with fewer aches and pains, increase energy and live a more adventurous life, set an example for kids about healthy living, achieve greater career success, improve relationship with food and fitness, break a cycle of yo-yo dieting, create a fitness routine for life, stop body shaming
Those examples have emotion. You can feel the burden that needs to be lifted, or the opportunity that exists. We are the ones who can help them. Ask your client this valuable phrase. “Have you ever…” then insert your pain point above. Share with them how your services are the solution.
If you want to level up your business with more lessons like this, contact me directly about enrolling in the Growth Day app for a savings and extra support.
Trina Gray is an award-winning entrepreneur in the fitness industry. She owns a medically-based health club in Michigan and founded a top coaching team with BODi (formerly Beachbody). She was the IDEA Fitness Leader of the Year. She helps fit pros expand their income to reach more people, outside of sessions and classes with fitness, nutrition and mindset tools. Connect with her at www.TrinaGray.com or IG @trinagray.