Aug. 10 2017
If you want to stand out in an industry that has no rules, you should consider stepping-up your game... View More
July 10 2017
It’s not enough to know your craft and give your clients a world class experience. You must collaborate... View More
July 2 2017
"What's next?" That is the question that drives professionals to seek advice, consider their options and plan for the future... View More
July 1 2017
Do you have a goal that you want to pursue and you’re finding it difficult to take that first step toward making this goal a reality? What is holding you back? What has stopped you from taking those
July 1 2017
It’s in our professional DNA and genetic make-up as personal trainers to do the basic components of our job description extremely well. The well-being and success of our clients and the reputable... View More
Lisa Druxman White Backdrop
July 1 2017
Lisa Druxman found a way to continue her passion as a fitness professional while juggling the challenges of being a new mother... View More
July 1 2017
The starting point for operational improvement is recognizing where a business owner may currently have issues. Here are 10 areas where mistakes are made across a wide variety of fitness businesses... View More
July 1 2017
Ryan Ketchum examines where the Fitness industry is headed and how that impacts you and your business... View More
July 1 2017
The ever-diminishing levels of health insurance benefits are leading to an earlier discharge of patients from hospitals and physical therapy clinics. Patients are left with additional work to be done but... View More
April 15 2017
There are many benefits of forming an LLC in the fitness industry, most revolve around you and protection of your assets... View More
April 5 2017
When it comes to personal finances, Americans are taught to diversify their assets which is why many invest in real estate, IRAs, 401(k)s, CDs, annuities, and stocks and bonds. This same concept shoul
April 2 2017
Businesses work hard to build a strong reputation. The same effort should be put into maintaining it! Five areas to consider on the path to customer service excellence... View More
April 2 2017
What you must get clear on is what success looks like to you and what is your ideal business? A subtle, but important distinction... View More
April 2 2017
The action-ready and persistent personal trainer with the proper credentials and certifications can implement the following ideas to grow in the fast-expanding field of medical fitness... View More
April 2 2017
Keeping workouts fresh is important for your clients and for you!... View More
April 2 2017
The art of communication and motivation is the foundation of success in your fitness business!... View More
March 15 2017
The fitness industry needs leaders. Why not you?... View More
March 1 2017
Some of the most successful professionals in the fitness industry credit mentorship as one of the critical keys to their success... View More
Jan. 3 2017
Focus your continuing fitness education on a target market to better define yourself from the crowd of fitness professionals... View More
Dec. 20 2016
The scale may change from month to month, but fitness professionals should evaluate these 10 categories each month. ... View More