Unconventional Education
Jan. 3 2019
Expand your education with some unconventional sources... View More
Jan. 3 2019
3 ways to get meaningful information from clients, potential clients, referral sources and colleagues... View More
Blurred lines
Jan. 3 2019
Define the scope of practice of today's certified personal trainer... View More
Dec. 3 2018
Continue filling the knowledge gap throughout your professional fitness career... View More
Dec. 3 2018
What is the next step and how to impact the most lives possible in your fitness profession?... View More
Dec. 3 2018
Strategies you can use to create meaningful lasting goals to improve in business, health, relationships or simply self-development... View More
Dec. 3 2018
At the end of the year, take a couple moments to reflect on your wins and losses for the year... View More
Dec. 1 2018
From opening your first business, to maintaining a long-time successful business, the “one bite at a time” approach will prove effective... View More
Avoiding Conflict
Oct. 1 2018
The too-nice-trainer or gym owner needs to realize that some people will inevitably see niceness as weakness and look to exploit that... View More
Sept. 1 2018
This checklist highlights items that have the potential to give fitness professionals and business owners a slight advantage... View More
July 3 2018
You need to move the obstacles that get in your way. You need to be persistent... View More
July 3 2018
Maintaining your focus and perspective as a trainer in a heavily competitive market... View More
July 3 2018
Set yourself apart from under-qualified trainers and begin to compete for potential clients... View More
Nov. 17 2017
Fitness professionals must evolve and come to realize that mindset is much more than just motivation... View More
Website Hacks
Nov. 10 2017
It is imperative that you make your website standout, connect with your visitors and capture more leads. Here are 5 hacks to making a fitness website that can have a direct impact on your business... View More
Partner Jdrake
Oct. 1 2017
With over 36,000 gyms open in the U.S. alone, there is no shortage of competition in the fitness industry. Learn more about assessing the value of a business partner in this feature article!... View More
Oct. 1 2017
How do you differentiate yourself? Here are a couple of suggestions... View More
Oct. 1 2017
To thrive in this industry, you must be willing to spend equal time working on your business as you do working in your business. In other words, you must set aside a good chunk of time each week, month... View More
Fitness Trainer
Oct. 1 2017
Low-cost policies are not a bargain if charges for certificates of insurance or for adding “additional insureds” to the policy are applied. ... View More
Oct. 1 2017
“When should I jump?” This is a question many personal trainers (CPTs) ask themselves during challenging points in their careers... View More