May 1 2015
Do you feel nervous about raising your rates? Are you worried your clients will leave you, or new clients will stop coming to train with you?... View More
April 25 2015
Isn't it crazy that two words can trigger vivid imagery of extreme action sports and even elicit a physiological response?... View More
April 15 2015
At the end of your next hair cut appointment, if your hair stylist asked you if you have any friends to refer because she's looking to build her business, how would you respond? Would you immediately scroll... View More
April 15 2015
What it means to try too hard, how to avoid it and why it makes people so uncomfortable... View More
April 1 2015
A few years ago, I was at a sticking point in my business; I felt like I had lost my momentum and couldn't quite find that "secret sauce" again. What had worked without fail for my business in the past,... View More
March 15 2015
Thinking of starting a new business? Are you at a point in your business where you feel you want to expand or take it to a higher level? If you're considering whether you want to move forward on your own... View More
March 10 2015
In my 11 years in our great business, the single most impactful marketing strategy has always been word of mouth. I have seen gyms pour thousands of dollars into print media, social media, television advertising... View More
March 1 2015
There is a lot of opportunity in the corporate wellness space for fitness professionals. If you're ready to explore corporate wellness, or if you've been trying to tap into the market with little or no... View More
Feb. 15 2015
The world of corporate wellness offers endless opportunity for fitness professionals. But getting the foot in the door is often the most challenging task. Here are three strategies to help you win your... View More
Feb. 10 2015
"Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication" is an appropriate mantra for any business, especially for those in the fitness industry... View More
Feb. 1 2015
Would you say you are you a planner or a reactor when it comes torunning your business? Do you have your business down to schedules, systems andprocesses so your business practically runs itself? Or do... View More
Feb. 1 2015
The entrepreneurial spirit will take you on a roller coaster ride of the highest highs and the lowest lows. In February 2008, in a business session at the ECA World Fitness Conference, Michael Port gave... View More
Jan. 15 2015
When I first considered a career in fitness, I knew right off the bat that I wanted to start my own business. I come from a line of entrepreneurs, so you could say it was in the cards. Spend some... View More
Jan. 10 2015
To survive in the fitness profession takes a monumental effort and you must have drive and passion... View More
Jan. 1 2015
Achieving the first step of starting a career in fitness can be quite an undertaking: attaining a working knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, programming, specificity, nutrition and even understanding... View More
Jan. 1 2015
Attitude, behavior and culture can help bring you fitness success... View More
Dec. 15 2014
A question I am frequently asked by fitness professionals new to the industry, is how to price their services even though they may not have significant experience. Pricing is an art form; so know that... View More
Dec. 10 2014
There are so many hidden costs that you do not think about when deciding to set up your own fitness studio... View More
Dec. 1 2014
In December of 2011, I listed five issues you should address with your accountant before January 1 (read article). These need to be reassessed (briefly listed below) on a yearly... View More
Nov. 25 2014
There are a lot of mediums available these days to personal trainers, and all can have their benefits... View More