In the sixth installment of his TRX Suspension Trainer series, Brian demonstrates the BOSU Suspended Body Saw, which is intended to improve upper body/core strength and shoulder stability.
See 'Related Resources' below for past Functionally Fits (including the TRX miniseries) and other exercises and training tips.
Start with both feet suspended in the TRX and the body in the top push-up position. The hands should be on the outer portion of the BOSU (dome side down) directly below the shoulders with the elbows locked in a slightly bent position. Initially, it is best to position the feet beneath the anchor point.
Begin the movement by shifting the weight forward while working to keep the BOSU level.
Pause at the point where you begin to lose control and then shift your weight backward and past the start position until you feel the abs engage to prevent a collapse of the lumbar spine. Strive to maintain a neutral spine position throughout as it becomes easy to allow the lumbar spine to dip as fatigue sets in.
This is a much more advanced version of a traditional floor-based TRX body saw. By adding in the BOSU, the trunk and upper body is forced to counteract additional rotation and translation in the frontal plane imposed by the positional change and unstable surface.
This exercise is intended to improve upper body/core strength and shoulder stability. Ideally, utilize it with athletes and advanced clientele seeking closed chain upper body work and/or advanced shoulder stability and core training. I prefer starting with small amplitude movements and gradually increasing the anterior/posterior sway as the client demonstrates sufficient strength, stability and form. Moving further away from the anchor point increases the difficulty.
The following steps can be used as a progression toward the full TRX suspended BOSU body saw:
BOSU Saw on the knees (no suspension)
BOSU Saw on the toes (no suspension)
Static BOSU plank hold in the suspended TRX start position
Small amplitude TRX BOSU Saw (with spotting and mild assistance)
This exercise is not appropriate for clientele without sufficient upper body strength or no prior TRX experience. Clients should be able to demonstrate excellent technique with the floor version of the TRX body saw before moving on to the BOSU version.
Brian Schiff, PT, CSCS (www.brianschiff.com) is a licensed physical therapist, respected author and fitness professional. He became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) in 1998. In 2000, he opened his own personal training and sport-specific conditioning facility, Fitness Edge, in Dublin, Ohio. Brian has presented at several professional conferences and seminars on injury prevention and sport-specific training.