July 1 2012
For those who are ready to take advantage of the technology, the explosion in smartphone popularity presents an unprecedented opportunity for cost-effective marketing that gets results. According... View More
book review
July 1 2012
Wendy Ida's newest book -- Take Back your Life, My No Nonsense Approach to Healthy, Fitness and Looking Good Naked -- is the perfect combination of effective workout program, nutrition guide and unparalleled... View More
July 1 2012
For a moment, go back to the days not long ago where cell phones simply enabled us to make emergency phone calls, computers were primarily for word processing, and marketing meant putting an ad in the... View More
June 22 2012
A lot of trainers continually ask me what to do about increased competition. It seems our scarcity mindset likes to rear its ugly head and feed our fears that someone else doing what we do will negatively... View More
June 18 2012
In another article featuring BOSU Balance Training products, PFP columnist Brian Schiff demonstrates an exercise designed to promote anti-rotation core strengthening. Execution: Begin... View More
June 18 2012
My name is Lindsay Vastola, and I am a self-admitted procrastinator. Anyone else? I go through times of unmatched productivity and accomplishment, tackling the most daunting goals. Then there are times... View More
June 18 2012
The problem with our industry is that your interests don't always (or usually) line up with what your clients are looking for. You may not like what I have to share with you today, but nevertheless it... View More
June 18 2012
Making the decision to start a career in the fitness industry is usually accompanied by daydreams of working with off-season professional athletes and celebrities. While there are a few personal trainers... View More
June 5 2012
In another article featuring BOSU Balance Training products, PFP columnist Brian Schiff offers an advanced exercise that should be reserved for clientele who have sufficient upper body... View More
June 2 2012
Up until a few years ago, the idea of getting a college degree over the internet may have seemed completely odd to most. Until recently, our notion of receiving a degree or certification was generally... View More
book review
June 2 2012
Monique Ryan, an internationally recognized sports nutritionist for over 30 years, has recently released her 3rd edition of Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes. Her book -- over 400 pages -- is... View More
June 1 2012
Too many businesses overpromise and underdeliver, but to me, overdelivering is "business as usual." When I take on a client, I tell them what to expect -- we determine their goals and agree on a plan.... View More
June 1 2012
In our culture, social acceptance is fundamental to a person's health and quality of life. Most of us learn this from the day we are born. Rejection has scientifically been proven to be harmful to one's... View More
June 1 2012
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, "Employment of fitness trainers and instructors is expected to grow by 24 percent from 2010 to 2020, faster than... View More
June 1 2012
Our industry has gone through several rounds of evolution. In the beginning, the business model was built on the one-on-one, 60-minute training session model. Later, team training and shorter 30-minute... View More
June 1 2012
"As trainers, we need to understand who our clients are, what they need aside from new exercises and equipment, and most important, we need to learn how to communicate with them."The fitness industry is... View More
June 1 2012
Poor posture, musculoskeletal conditions and pain are becoming a leading factor health and fitness professionals need to be aware of when designing exercise programs for their clients. It's estimated by... View More
June 1 2012
In 2012, baby boomers will be turning 67 years old. The largest segment in our economy with the largest percentage of wealth will be looking to the fitness industry for help with their aging bodies. The... View More
June 1 2012
Once you've acquired the skills and experience required for personal training excellence, you may wonder "what next?" You may ask yourself, "How do I increase my practice and how do I differentiate myself... View More
June 1 2012
The fitness industry, as the general public knows it, is undergoing rapid and exciting transformation. Being a fitness professional no longer means that you are stereotyped as an over-enthusiastic exercise... View More