Strengthening the posterior kinetic chain and improving dynamic hip stability is important for balance, injury prevention and athletic performance. Learning how to do a proper hip hinge can be challen
University of Michigan students have an exciting new sustainability effort in place in both the Intramural Sports Building and North Campus Recreation Building... View More
No wonder good trainers contemplate leaving the profession when they don’t feel they look like an Instagram model or they just maxed out their credit card for “Business Guru Secrets”... View More
Have you drawn a line in the sand when it comes to how you are going to approach managing your money? Are there certain principles you adhere to personally and professionally as to how and where you a
The best way to win in business is to communicate with clarity, calm and conviction. Communication is the foundation for success. People need to know what you offer, why you offer it, and how it will make... View More
What very few people tell you is that all the training certifications, equipment purchases, programming sessions and classes in the world won’t make a difference if you can’t market well enough... View More
Again, we have a series of balance and reaction time drills that will not only challenge our clients' balance system but their cognitive system as well... View More
According to the American Joint Replacement Registry, there are 860,000 total knee and hip replacements done in the United States per year. This number is projected to double in the next ten years. Th