One of the pitfalls of owning, or running a health and fitness business is stagnancy. It is easy to get complacent, to offer the same old services year after year, to let dust build up literally and figuratively on your business. This article and video below will challenge you to create new chapters in your career.

Business Tip #1
Think about your next chapter.
This question is valid whether you’ve been in the health and fitness industry for a year, a decade or a lifetime. What can you do to put a fresh coat of paint on your services? You might be in need of a big, bold move. You might simply be in need of a small shift. You will know when you look at your business with fresh eyes. Do you need to expand, move to a new location, add new equipment or hire teammates? Do you need to retire services that are no longer relevant, or are weighing you down? Do you need to freshen up your group class line up, or launch a new group training program? Would it help to adjust your hours or your prices? Is your marketing message or logo outdated? Are you ready to shift from online to live or vice versa? The only wrong answer is no answer at all. Turning the page on your business means constantly writing new chapters.
Business Tip #2
Recognize and reward your clients.
Put this tip into action and watch your business change before your eyes. Your clients will feel better about your brand and you’ll feel better about your own brand. You can reward clients for loyalty by recognizing how many workouts or sessions they’ve completed with you each calendar year. We offer custom, branded rewards for 50, 100, 200 and 300 workouts per year, such as hoodies, soccer chairs, backpacks and water bottles. We also recognize the names of our members in each category on social media and in our facility. Recognition for exercise adherence is a great way to reach all types of clients, no matter their age or fitness level.
In my mastermind collective, I recognize and reward women for completing important tasks, like designing their annual vision board. I create recognition graphics highlighting members who are contributing. I send out prizes (water bottle stickers, coasters, journals) with handwritten cards. People want to feel seen and appreciated.
Personal Growth Tip #3
Move through your life as if these four things were true.
This lesson is an excerpt from a Daily Fire audio from Brendon Burchard that I really enjoyed. This is my personal recap of his four-part framework for living your life.
Move forward, as if...
1. You really loved yourself. For example, you'd eat better, sleep better, dream bigger, get out in nature, journal more, talk better to yourself, walk with your head up, or make that decision that you’ve been putting off.
2. You're cared for. Remember that people have your back. Friends or family will help you out when things go wrong. The universe (or your faith) will open a new door when you look for it. Things will turn out, and when they don't, someone will be there to help you.
3. You're a role model. Move through the world with better energy, knowing that our actions impact so many people around us, from our homes to workplaces.
4. Your life was short. You might be more present, you might slow down and have more reverence for life. You'd feel connected to the day, if you remembered that your life is just a blip in time. Act accordingly.

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Trina Gray is an award-winning entrepreneur in the fitness industry. She owns Bay Athletic Club, a full-service health club in Michigan. She founded The Calm & Confident Collective, a mastermind for women who value positive community and growth. She was the IDEA Fitness Leader of the Year. Connect with her on IG @trinagray or For health club ideas, follow her on FB at @bayathleticclub