When training dynamic balance we like to use a wide range of exercises to force people to change their gait. This is also called Gait Performance Enhancement. As we age, we tend to face the same environments and obstacles on a weekly and monthly basis and then when all of a sudden faced with bleachers or a floating dock we are unprepared for the new gait pattern.
Heel walk, tip-toe walks, wide walks, narrow walks, straight leg walk, marching walk are all simple examples of gait patterns you can mix in.
In this video, we show four exprcises: heel walking, straddle or wide walking, hurdle walking and side lunging with a reach. All of these exercises you can add in more challenge by adding a weight implement such as a bar or medicine ball.
Always think about dynamic movement when training balance, not just standing still in one place. Most falls occur when people fail to step over, around or through something — while moving, not simply standing still at the kitchen sink.