worthwhile cause… the Wounded Warrior Project." – President George H.W. Bush
See the video at www.PushupsForCharity.com
Orlando, FL – In a new video, the former Commander In Chief strongly encourages all Americans to participate in Pushups for Charity. He wants everyone to "get fit, have fun and make a difference." The video can be seen at www.PushupsForCharity.com.
Pushups for Charity was launched in 2010 by Inc 500 fitness business development company, NPE www.FitnessMarketingSystems.com. NPE co-founders, Sean Greeley and Eric Ruth created a complete Pushups for Charity event marketing system fitness business owners use to engage their local communities in a fun fitness challenge that raises money for Wounded Warrior Project www.WoundedWarriorProject.org.
NPE provides fitness business systems, tools and coaching to over 5,000 fitness facilities, health clubs, boot camps, and independent personal trainers worldwide. In 2010, NPE was awarded #131 on the Inc 500 list of fastest growing privately owned companies in America.
"We're tremendously proud to be included on the Inc 500 list, and it's testament to the effectiveness of the marketing, sales and management systems, tools and coaching we provide to the fitness industry. But our most personally satisfying accomplishment in 2010 was the successful launch of Pushups for Charity, which raised $250,000 that year. Now in 2011, our hope is to raise half a million dollars for charity. With the recent video endorsement from President George H.W. Bush, we think we can," explains NPE CEO Sean Greeley.
"The fitness business owners who come to us tend to be very much like us," says Greeley. "We are a business guided by the core values of personal responsibility and accountability; kaizen (Japanese word meaning "constant, steady improvement"); honesty and integrity; leadership, mentorship and coaching; and over-delivering. We believe it is our personal responsibility to give back to those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom and way of life, that's why we chose to support Wounded Warrior Project and the injured men and women of the Armed Services. The fitness business owners we work with feel the same way, and have responded by investing their time, effort and resources in making Pushups for Charity a huge success," Greeley says.
Many of the Pushups for Charity success stories from fitness business owners running these events in their local communities can be seen at www.PushupsForCharity.com.
"The endorsement from President Bush was a welcome surprise to all of us," says Greeley. "It came about because one of the fitness business owners involved in Pushups for Charity is the personal trainer for President Bush. When the former President heard about PUC, he was eager to lend his support to the cause."
Piloting a bombing mission over the Japanese controlled Bonin Islands in September 1944, George H.W. Bush (call sign: Skin), encountered heavy anti-aircraft fire and his Grumman TBM Avenger was hit. Despite having an engine on fire from the flak, George Bush completed his mission, delivering his payload of bombs on target. But his plane was in trouble and he had to bail out, parachuting into the unforgiving Pacific Ocean where he floated in a tiny raft for four hours. He was finally rescued by the submarine USS Finback. He was just 20 years old.
President Bush knows the sacrifices and dangers of war more intimately than any other living President. He lost friends, and came within a razor's edge of losing his own life. That is one of the reasons he is so supportive of Pushups for Charity and the work they do to raise money for Wounded Warrior Project, whose mission is to honor and empower the injured men and women of the U.S. Armed Services.
There is a second reason President Bush strongly encourages all Americans to participate in Pushups for Charity: his lifelong commitment to health and fitness.
Even today at age 86, President Bush works with a personal fitness trainer to stay strong, mobile, energized and healthy. Just as his personal wartime experience galvanized his commitment to the men and women of our Armed Services, his experience with physical fitness and the rewards it delivers has galvanized his commitment to encouraging all Americans to take responsibility for their health.
To learn more about how to participate in Pushups for Charity, visitwww.PushupsForCharity.com.
Sean Greeley
3208 E. Colonial Dr #257
Orlando, FL 32803