Feb. 15 2013
As a business owner or as an independent trainer, it's critical to evaluate every aspect of your business to highlight points of weakness, inefficiency or where greater opportunity lies. In my last column,... View More
Feb. 15 2013
The grass is greener on the other side; or so they say. Since my career in the fitness industry began, I have constantly overheard the rambling chatter of other trainers; "I could get paid more to do this... View More
Feb. 10 2013
Now that 2013 is in full swing, you should be experiencing a surge in your momentum as a direct result of the amount of goal setting and planning you did last year in preparation for this year. Established... View More
Feb. 1 2013
In the last column, I reviewed an exercise for the serratus anterior designed to improve scapular stability. I am continuing with another great elastic shoulder strengthening exercise. Many people are... View More
Feb. 1 2013
Whether you are a solo fitness professional training clients at a gym or an entrepreneur managing a large staff; systems are the cornerstone of a successful business. Having solid systems in your business... View More
book review
Feb. 1 2013
Occasionally I review a book that will not only help fitness professionals build their business or enhance their knowledge, but to better serve our clients. Dustin Maher's "Fit Moms for Life; How to Have... View More
proof posture
Feb. 1 2013
Fitness professionals are in a position to prevent and improve poor posture. We know good posture allows for efficient movement while poor posture can cause some muscles to work too hard and others too... View More
Jan. 17 2013
I believe that developing strategic partnerships is one of the fastest and most cost effective ways of building your business. It should be one of the foundation elements that receive continual focus with... View More
corporate leader
Jan. 16 2013
The time for on-site corporate fitness is now! In this article I'm going to share with you some of the key information that defines the critical differentiation you must have to set you apart from other... View More
T-Band Serratus Push-up (top)
Jan. 15 2013
Maintaining healthy shoulders is vital for successful and long term resistance training. Over time, normal wear and tear as well repetitive use can cause shoulder dysfunction. Optimizing scapular stabilizer... View More
Jan. 15 2013
I'm going to switch gears a bit with this column because I wanted to share a tidbit of motivation that I have recently found inspiring both personally and professionally.I took a yoga class a few weeks... View More
Jan. 10 2013
The start of any New Year brings with it renewed hope, energy and the ever present myriad of resolutions by which we pledge to do more, do better and live our lives with more determination. As business... View More
Tall Plank w Sliding Hip Flexion (start)
Jan. 1 2013
Building pillar strength is important for clients and athletes alike. Specifically, improving anterior rotational stability is important for optimizing movement patterns and reducing injury risk. Execution:... View More
Jan. 1 2013
A few weeks ago, I needed to get my carpets cleaned ... it was long overdue. Family was coming into town for the holidays and my house was officially being converted to Hotel Vastola. I realized that I... View More
book review
Jan. 1 2013
Jonathan Goodman, creator of the Personal Trainer Development Center, has released his book Ignite the Fire: The Secrets of Building a Successful Personal Training Career and already has glowing endorsements... View More
Dec. 24 2012
Likely every fitness professional on the planet knows the acronym for SMART goal planning. I'm sure many of you continually use this to set specific, measureable goals for your clients that you help them... View More
Dec. 15 2012
Many of the clients and patients I see struggle with glute activation and pelvic stability. Imbalances and injuries often lead to poor postural control and the inability to maintain a level pelvis in single... View More
Dec. 15 2012
Just like our bodies accumulate a lot of junk over the course of a year, so do our businesses; it's a perfect time to go through a "business detox." Here is a quick detox "recipe" that will hopefully be... View More
Dec. 15 2012
In order to meet the goals, needs, and demands of each person that will walk through our doors we must have a solid understanding and complete mastery of the Nine Governing Principles of Exercise Science.... View More
A-P Reach (start)
Dec. 1 2012
Runners are often sidelined by overuse injuries. One of the primary reasons is they move poorly. This is compounded by the fact that running entails single leg stability, and most runners have asymmetries.... View More