Sept. 10 2013
If I have learned anything at all about the nature of personal trainers during my many years in the fitness industry, it is that those of us who choose to stick with it for the long haul do so because... View More
book review
Sept. 2 2013
Evan Osar, a chiropractic physician and founder of Fitness Education Seminars has released his comprehensive book, Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Hip and Shoulder Dysfunction. Specializing in... View More
Sept. 1 2013
Training clients to maintain core stiffness in athletic functional positions will improve performance and reduce injury risks for the spine and lower extremities. This exercise is an effective way to address... View More
Sept. 1 2013
I was listening to a New York City-area morning talk radio show last week and one of the featured segments was about the fastest growing professions in New York City. Fitness training was ranked the fourth... View More
Aug. 23 2013
I'm sure you've heard of the supplement company called EAS and maybe even the mother of all transformation programs, Body For Life. This column has nothing to do with EAS other than the association... View More
1 Tall Plank Shoulder Circles (start)
Aug. 15 2013
Improving pillar/torso strength should be a primary aim for all fitness programs. Utilizing neutral spine core work to minimize unwanted shear force on the lumbar spine is a safer and often more effective... View More
Aug. 15 2013
When it comes to scope of practice in our industry, there is a line that in theory is clear and defined, but in everyday practice often becomes blurred. For those of us who have certifications from accredited... View More
Aug. 15 2013
For the majority of my career I have been in a leadership position, directing hundreds of other fitness professionals. In my roles I have always read leadership books from respected authors John Maxwell,... View More
Aug. 10 2013
Just for a minute, think back to when you were just learning the skeletal and the muscular systems. You may have been in college and enrolled in an anatomy class or just received your personal trainer... View More
book review
Aug. 2 2013
Human Kinetics has released a new addition to their Sport Performance Series: Developing Speed. It's a perfect guide to add to your reference library, particularly for fitness professionals who train... View More
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Aug. 1 2013
Incorporating a dynamic warm-up prior to athletic activity and training is the preferred way to prime the body for exercise. This particular movement is an effective drill for addressing hip and thoracic... View More
Aug. 1 2013
In my last column, I shared with you an exercise reminiscent of a Mad Lib with five quick fill-in-the-blank statements. The objective is to keep you from over-thinking and over-strategizing what niche... View More
July 23 2013
What is your time worth? This is a very serious question and one you need to answer for yourself. What's more I'd suggest you re-evaluate it about every six months; that is if you want to grow your fitness... View More
certified mini
July 23 2013
Many aspiring fitness professionals know the path they want to pursue in the industry, but once certified, find themselves trying to navigate the next best steps to get there. Here are six simple first... View More
FF pic
July 15 2013
Shoulder mobility limitations are often present in clients and many times are related to poor thoracic spine mobility. Addressing any asymmetry and resolving kinetic chain tightness is important to reduce... View More
July 15 2013
Many fitness professionals start their career with the noble goal of "helping everyone who wants to live a healthy life." But the truth is, as the saying goes, "You can't be all things to all people."... View More
July 15 2013
The numbers are staggering; 2.8 million social media profiles, 1 billion Facebook posts per day, nearly 500 million Twitter users. We are inundated with media, in particular social media, constantly every... View More
July 10 2013
Remember the good ol' days of looking forward to recess? Why oh why have we let that escape us as adults? Our clients work all day and then as their personal trainers we ask them to workout, which... View More
July 1 2013
Pectoralis minor tightness coupled with poor scapular control often leads to postural dysfunction and shoulder problems. Improving scapular stabilizer activation and shoulder alignment will reduce rotator... View More
July 1 2013
In my September 2011 column, I shared seven ways to motivate your clients beyond just physical results. I wanted to revisit the topic because at some point, being the motivator that our clients depend... View More