Aug. 23 2012
In this column, I wanted to share something applicable for both stroke survivors and those struggling with Parkinson's. Keep in mind while we typically associate both conditions with older clients, trainers... View More
Aug. 23 2012
PFP is excited to announce the Top 10 finalists for the 2013 Trainer of the Year, scheduled to be announced at Club Industry 2012 … Valorie Ness Valorie is the CEO of the award-winning Catalyst... View More
Reaching lunge with L contralateral rot
Aug. 15 2012
Optimal knee function relies on proper hamstring strength and activation. Keep in mind a normal quad to hamstring strength ratio would be 3:2. Most females tend to be 2:1. Aside from flexing the knee and... View More
Aug. 15 2012
It is easy to become overwhelmed by the daily administrative tasks of owning your own business. The typical business owner spends a majority of their time doing 95% of the tasks that have the least impact... View More
Supine Mini-Band Bridge (start side view)
Aug. 1 2012
Bridging is a common exercise used in fitness and rehab. It is very effective for targeting the gluteus maximus and hamstring muscle groups. But, aside from hip extension, bridging is very effective for... View More
Aug. 1 2012
Effectively tapping into your clients' innermost insecurities and frustration is what can take you from being an ordinary trainer to an extraordinary trainer. Our clients' success is not just driven by... View More
book review
Aug. 1 2012
If you're looking for a new read with the perfect combination of motivation and entertainment, add Take a Shot! to your must read list. Jake Steinfeld, founder of the Body by Jake global brand and his... View More
July 23 2012
It pains me to hear from a struggling trainer, and when I say struggling I mean a trainer in dire straights; someone living on credit or fearful that they're not going to be able to support their family... View More
July 23 2012
If you're jumping into this business right now and are looking to begin providing for yourself from the get-go, there's one key piece of advice I have for you, and please don't forget it: You need to treat... View More
Chair press-up (start)
July 15 2012
Research has shown that recreational weightlifters have greater imbalances between the upper and lower trap than the general population. Therefore, performing lower trapezius work is important in this... View More
July 15 2012
In a conversation last week with a fitness professional on the west coast, I realized that a critical mistake many entrepreneurs and fitness trainers make is throwing time and money at new technology without... View More
July 15 2012
Becoming a top-tiered trainer is not something you're usually born into. My grandfather drove an MBTA train and my father owned an electrical business. Neither one of them worked out a day in their life.Why... View More
Sciatic Nerve Flossing (1)
July 1 2012
Begin in a seated position on the edge of a table (or bed) with the hands behind the back sitting tall. Next, slowly bend the head and trunk forward as you simultaneously extend the thigh. Pause at the... View More
July 1 2012
I'll admit that I'm not the most technologically savvy individual, but I was on the cutting edge with a custom-built MS-DOS computer software system for my personal training business in 1988. It was one... View More
July 1 2012
From time to time, big shifts take place in our industry that make the business of personal training more mainstream, more profitable, more systemized, and in this case, easier to market. In recent years... View More
July 1 2012
Technology and the Internet provide a variety of opportunities for fitness entrepreneurs. The web can be a great resource for increasing market awareness in order to promote yourself, your business and... View More
July 1 2012
Often associated with explosive activities of performance training for athletes, functional training is much more than just hammering out kettlebell swings and flipping gigantic truck tires.It's best defined... View More
July 1 2012
Whether you're watching one of Brook Benten's best-selling workout videos, reading her blog or speaking with her on the phone, it's difficult to not be inspired by her infectious personality and innate... View More
July 1 2012
The idea that money is the ultimate measure of success and achievement in life is not, in itself, true. The truth is you first have to be a well-rounded, well-adjusted individual in order to find true... View More
July 1 2012
It seems to be a common sight these days -- a person has a phone in hand, an iPad and computer nearby... multitasking to the nth degree. To say society is fast-paced is an understatement. We are "plugged... View More