April 28 2013
Whether you are a solopreneur or an employer I think the following will be important to you. One of my most important mentors always used the description of a "ticking time bomb" when referring to employees.... View More
April 15 2013
Right, wrong or indifferent, our industry has segmented itself in a myriad of directions. Functional training, corrective exercise, CrossFit, bodybuilding, sports specific, the types of fitness programming... View More
April 14 2013
Assessing anti-rotation pillar strength is important prior to loading clients’ spines with torsional activity. From a tall plank position, you can assess torsional control by observing this test/exercise.... View More
April 14 2013
Fitness training without goal-setting is like peanut butter without the jelly. Where most people stumble, whether we're talking about fitness, personal or professional goals, is that they set themselves... View More
April 14 2013
In last month’s article, "Starting Off On The Right Foot," I wrote about the importance of using a set of tools that would streamline your approach to training sessions, while giving you a scientific... View More
Standing Pec STM (I)
April 1 2013
Tightness in the chest is a common issue that negatively impacts posture and may contribute to shoulder impingement and dysfunction. In this column, I will reveal how using a compression technique in combination... View More
April 1 2013
It's that time of year again -- tax day is right up on us. As I'm sure many of you can probably understand, tax and accounting concerns can be a serious pain-point. It can be difficult to find a professional... View More
book review
April 1 2013
Alexander Morentin is the author of Better Living with Whole Foods and offers an approachable and in-depth guide to incorporating whole foods into your daily nutrition habits. His methodology of eating... View More
March 25 2013
You might believe you are already effective at managing your time. If there's anything I've learned it's that when it comes to time management it's a continual work of improvement. There are three... View More
obstacle course
March 18 2013
Obstacle course racing events and adventure races like Tough Mudder and Spartan Race are popping up across the country. Combining elements of trail-running with a military challenge course, obstacle races... View More
Unstable Plank with Sliding Hip Flexion (BT start)
March 15 2013
In a previous column, I addressed a tall static plank with sliding hip flexion. In this column, I am expanding on that concept with the use of the BOSU Ballast Ball and BOSU Balance Trainer. Developing... View More
March 15 2013
Whether you own your own business or work for a gym, networking can be an effective way to building new business and staying front of mind in the community. Unfortunately, most people go about networking... View More
March 15 2013
Sir Francis Bacon (ironically enough) once said, "Knowledge is power." I firmly stand behind this statement, particularly since we, as trainers, are in an ever changing industry. As trainers, it is our... View More
March 15 2013
Trainers, like anyone else, are creatures of habit. So it's not surprising that we can get stuck in the proverbial rut of doing the same tasks over and over again without even thinking (motor learning),... View More
March 4 2013
When we begin our careers as personal trainers, the main motivation is to help people. Of course we love fitness, weight training or any niche that we eventually pursue in the industry, but we could not... View More
Unstable Lateral Step-Overs (start)
March 1 2013
In the previous column, I reviewed unstable upper body step-ups. This column expands on the column featuring unstable upper body step-ups using the BOSU Balance Trainer. Similar to lower body exercise... View More
March 1 2013
One of the pitfalls I see with many clients when starting a new program, whether it's a boot camp or personal training program, is that what should be the catalyst of motivation ultimately ends up as the... View More
book review
March 1 2013
T.J. Murphy is a veteran journalist who joined a local CrossFit gym in order to reclaim his fitness and strength and recounts his experience in his new book Inside the Box: How CrossFit shredded the rules,... View More
Feb. 25 2013
My focus on systems, planning and structure in addition to marketing and promotion has surely been what's helped me establish myself as a fitness professional business mentor. In this column, however,... View More
Unstable UE Step-up (Start)
Feb. 15 2013
Performing closed chain shoulder exercises is an integral part of training shoulder stability and promoting optimal scapular muscle control. In addition, it provides an opportunity to challenge the stability... View More