July 1 2013
Metabolic syndrome is rapidly becoming one of the biggest threats to the health and welfare of modern society. In simple terms, metabolic syndrome is a lifestyle disease directly linked to obesity. Clinical... View More
June 25 2013
When I first speak to a new coaching client one of the very first things we discuss is whether they know and track their average number of leads per month. I know when I began my training business years... View More
June 15 2013
In the February 2013 Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy the sidestep with resistance ranked second on the list. In particular, this exercise had one of the lowest TFL activations thereby... View More
June 15 2013
Whether you are in a formal business partnership or joint venture with another professional on a service or product you offer, you must be vigilant about laying a strong foundation of the partnership.... View More
June 15 2013
It is said that 80 percent of communication is non-verbal. It is also common knowledge that there is a psychological effect to touching. In fact, there are several scientific research articles stating... View More
June 15 2013
The snow is gone. Spring has sprung, summer is quickly approaching if you are in the south like myself we are starting to feel the full impact of summer and you know what that means for many of our... View More
June 7 2013
Why should your client want to know about High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT)?... View More
June 1 2013
Weakness in the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius is often cited in contributing to patellofemoral pain, IT band problems, hip pathology and even back pain. Furthermore, activating the glutes and minimizing... View More
June 1 2013
The most challenging task with launching a new business, program or service often times is generating enough buzz to get your clients, potential or current, so excited about what you have to offer that... View More
book review
June 1 2013
One could argue that what separates the good from the great in our industry, aside from superior knowledge of the science of exercise and the human body, is the ability to effectively connect with people... View More
June 1 2013
You are a fitness entrepreneur. Maybe you have been running your own company for a few years now. It has been filled with lucrative periods, as well as fiscally deficient ones. You understand the current... View More
May 30 2013
As trainers we're still people and as people we have certain behaviors that are consistent no matter what. First we live in an instant gratification world. Our clients are looking for a near instant solution... View More
May 14 2013
Let's be honest with each other, personal training is a hard industry. It's easy to get in and become a personal trainer, but harder to be great. So have you ever thought about what it takes to be great... View More
Daily deal sites
May 14 2013
It's no secret that daily deal sites such as Groupon and Living Social have changed the way fitness professionals attract new clients. Daily deal sites can be an excellent source of getting new clients... View More
May 9 2013
Tightness in the hip flexors, especially the iliopsoas, can have a negative impact on the lumbar spine and pelvic motion. Excessive tightness creates undue stress and shear force on the lumbar spine particularly... View More
May 9 2013
When I first started my fitness business, I pretty much would train anyone who would pay me for my services and spent a lot of time networking with other local businesses because I was anxious to find... View More
May 9 2013
If your clients are anything like mine they are inquisitive and ask a ton of questions. This, of course, is a good thing because it shows they are engaged in their own training (if you aren’t a parent... View More
May 1 2013
In many cases, shoulder dysfunction and pain are tied to weakness in the scapular stabilizing musculature. The serratus anterior is an integral part of the force couple working with the upper and... View More
May 1 2013
Most of us pursued a profession in fitness because we want to help people. I often hear fitness professionals, especially when they enter the industry, say they would "give away their services for free... View More
book review
May 1 2013
One of my favorite genres to read is mindset, particularly as it relates to success in business, in personal goals and in helping my clients succeed. Loren Fogelman, a sports performance consultant, shares... View More