The end of the year is the perfect time of year to set aside time to reflect on the last 12 months and set-up your action and goal plan for the coming year.
Here is a quick checklist to help make your end-of-year review as productive as possible.
1. Analyze your numbers
Be sure to read the "Know your numbers" article in the November-December 2013 issue of PFP [coming soon!] and analyze from a numbers and budget perspective what is working for you, what is profitable, where you may be able to cut costs and where you have more opportunity to increase revenue.
2. Do an end-of-year client survey
The end of the year is a perfect time to survey your clients, both active and inactive, to see what services they would like to see more of or less of to make their experience more meaningful. You may be surprised at what you discover. If you're thinking of a new program or service to offer in the New Year, a survey is a great way to get a sense of whether it is something they actually want.
3. Create your annual marketing calendar
Print out a monthly calendar for the year and mark out special holidays or events that you will be promoting. Then work backwards from the start date of each event and layout the marketing plan. For example, if you're holding a 6-Week program in the spring, start your marketing plan a minimum of 4-6 weeks out, detailing when you’ll send email blasts, what promotions you'll offer, deadlines for advertising, social media scheduling, etc. Setting your marketing plan now will give you structure and accountability with some flexibility to change if necessary.
4. Set your one-year vision plan
If we don't have an end-goal as part of our vision, we'll just tread water in our businesses. Set a BHAG (big, hairy, audacious goal) for the year. It can be a revenue goal, number of new clients or members, a launch of a new product, etc. but be sure it is a clear and concrete goal. Once you have your one year goal set, layout the steps needed to achieve the goal then work the plan!
As in fitness, failing to plan is planning to fail; taking the time to reflect on the last year and plan the next 12 months is time well spent to set your business up for success.