To thrive in a fast-paced industry, it is extremely important to take time to plan and pursue different forms of education. Fitness professionals are inundated with copious amounts of information, especially around exercise and nutrition; when education becomes dull, it may be time to switch up the way you’re learning.
Look to expand your sources of education. This will give you some variety, help expand your business skills, and provide new ways to connect with more people in your area.
Here are a few unconventional sources for education:
1. For leadership and community reach, your local Chamber of Commerce is a go-to for leadership seminars, programs and other interactive courses and projects. There are always events to learn and connect with other businesses.
2. For education on entrepreneurship, find a “1 Million Cups” chapter in your area. This is a program that hosts presentations for local business owners. What makes this program unique is that the presenters are business owners who get to teach, as well as ask questions and advice to the audience. It is very interactive and area business leaders often attend, offering you a chance to both learn and network.
3. For business legalities and funding, the Small Business Administration (SBA) offers online resources that provide useable tools to create business plans, apply for financing, and information on day-to-day operations. The SBA offers free mentorship programs, where business owners can schedule meetings with consultants during any stage of business.
4. For design, marketing and technology checkout your local community colleges. You don’t have to go back to school for a full degree to take advantage of many specialty courses that most colleges offer.
5. Instead of taking another online course, try using your team to host in-house summits, led by a different coach each month. Or, reach out to a coach to shadow for a couple of days.
Be sure to keep an ongoing plan for continuing education. Think of ways outside of traditional education to keep learning exciting and relevant for what you need as a fitness professional.