Sept. 28 2014
For years, I used the words "coach" and "trainer" interchangeably. I didn't realize the difference until my first interview for a personal training job. I fed the gym owner some cringe-inducing cliché... View More
Sept. 23 2014
Meet Mary.Mary is 38 years old, she lives in a nicer-than-average home in the suburbs. She has two wonderful children, Alec and Maryanne, they're 16 and 14. Mary wishes she could lose 30 pounds, but of... View More
Sept. 15 2014
Core strength and stability deficits are apparent in many people. The ability to restrain movement while keeping a stable base or pillar is essential for injury prevention. Building prerequisite pillar... View More
Sept. 15 2014
Parts 1 and 2 of this series provided a starting point for finding the best candidate to be your first (or even your fiftieth) team member. Now it's time to interview, hire and most importantly, retain... View More
Sept. 10 2014
Ask any service professional, especially a trainer, and they will tell you they hate cancelations. Client cancels can send your day into a spiral of frustrations and wasted time - that is if you let it.... View More
Sept. 1 2014
Hip flexor tightness is a common finding in my assessments of clients. Restricted flexibility in the iliopsoas and rectus femoris restrict hip extension and create undue stress on the lumbar spine, as... View More
Sept. 1 2014
In Part 1 of this series of columns focused on hiring, I outlined three considerations before you make the decision to bring on a new staff member. Once you've done your... View More
Aug. 25 2014
This column will address two uniquely different but very important things. Both which I believe can be addressed by continually asking yourself if your business fulfills one very important question. But... View More
Aug. 15 2014
Increasing hip strength and stability is a common focus in training and injury prevention programs. Current research indicates hip and knee strengthening is more effective than knee strengthening alone... View More
Aug. 15 2014
You've hit that significant mark in your business where you realize that you can't do it alone and are considering hiring your first employee. Maybe you need an assistant who can take on the burden of... View More
Aug. 10 2014
The average trainer makes less than $30,000 per year, not because they aren't passionate about their craft but because they often make costly mistakes. Our certifications never mentioned these faux paus... View More
book review
Aug. 2 2014
Greg Brittenham, one of basketball's most respected strength and conditioning coaches along with Daniel Taylor have combined over 300 exercises, core training philosophy and training programs in their... View More
Aug. 1 2014
Using a stability ball for hamstring exercises is commonplace in fitness and rehab settings. I feel the use of isometric exercise is often under rated and under utilized because it is viewed as boring... View More
Aug. 1 2014
If you're like me, you have probably experienced or often suffer from Shiny Ball Syndrome. It typically occurs in ambitious individuals and is particularly plaguing to those of us in the fitness industry... View More
July 25 2014
Just a couple of years ago my team and I decided to have a very bold statement made into vinyl lettering and placed on the wall in the reception area at One-to-1 Fitness. "To help 10,000 residents reach... View More
July 15 2014
It is common to see scapular and rotator cuff dysfunction in clients. Repetitive overhead motion and certain lifts and exercises can expose the shoulder to increased strain, and muscle imbalances may further... View More
July 15 2014
Last fall I was bestowed a great honor by Life Fitness and was named a global finalist for their Personal Trainer to Watch competition. The ten best in our industry would go into a train off where we would... View More
arthritis spring
July 15 2014
Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common challenges a trainer will encounter when working with older clients. OA is the leading cause of disability in the older population primarily because it limits... View More
July 14 2014
Whether you're in business for yourself, work for someone else or just getting started in the industry -- there is one element of the fitness profession that should be understood: you are a marketer... View More
book review
July 2 2014
There are books you pick-up once, skim through, then find an appropriately systematic home for it on your bookshelf. Then there are those few books that never make it to your bookshelf because they become... View More