Aug. 15 2015
Like most of us, I have a thirst for learning. Not just fitness related material but also history, leadership, business etc. Also, like most of us time is of the essence so I take advantage of audiobooks... View More
Aug. 10 2015
Why follow the crowd and put less money in your pocket? Challenge the status quo when it comes to valuing your time... View More
Aug. 1 2015
Sandbells offer a unique way to challenge grip strength, balance and body control during an overhead slam motion... View More
Aug. 1 2015
Since starting my business almost ten years ago, I've spent a good deal of time and money on business networking. Breakfasts, luncheons, cocktail events; I've done them all. A frequent hot topic of conversation... View More
Aug. 1 2015
Exercise is an amazing way to boost mental and physical health but for some, it can become a dark abyss of obsessiveness... View More
July 15 2015
Most injuries in sport occur in the transverse plane. Poor rotational stability may contribute to increased injury risk with landing, cutting and pivoting activity. Identifying these imbalances and weaknesses... View More
July 15 2015
When I started my business as an at-home personal trainer, before I pulled the trigger on spending any money on any advertising, I began participating in local networking events. I had a few objectives.... View More
July 15 2015
Mindset is an integral part of succeeding in fitness and a necessary aspect for us all becoming sustainable agents for change... View More
July 10 2015
When the gym becomes a gathering place - a movement - it changes people's lives, and it changes the community it serves... View More
July 1 2015
In sport, it is essential to work on crossing over and loading on the inside leg to change direction and maximize performance. This exercise incorporating the Step offers multiple options and variations... View More
July 1 2015
When you're just starting your career as a fitness professional, finding your first client(s) can be a real challenge. It's a catch-22: without experience, you may not have the credibility people expect,... View More
July 1 2015
With the uncertainty regarding the sustainability and future of the healthcare system, fitness professionals are beginning to see a unique opportunity... View More
June 25 2015
If you're ready to get over your fear of the written word, here are five tips that make up the successful fitness copywriting formula... View More
June 15 2015
Weakness in the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius is often cited in contributing to patellofemoral pain, IT band problems, hip pathology and even back pain. Side brides (planks) and the clam exercise... View More
June 15 2015
The most successful fitness professionals would undoubtedly agree the critical importance of investing time, money and energy in every facet of their business and career. Getting out from behind the computer... View More
June 15 2015
While doing some research for a project I ran across an article that defined and showed the difference between excellence and success. I, like most, have used the two terms interchangeably but there is... View More
June 15 2015
You're a great trainer and ready for the next step: your own brick and mortar business. But where do you start?... View More
June 10 2015
It's hard not to feel like the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland these days in the fitness industry... View More
June 1 2015
Many people suffer from poor scapular stability and asymmetrical shoulder weakness. This is especially worrisome for those involved in overhead lifts/sports, repetitive activity and throwing. Incorporating... View More
June 1 2015
In an effort to be ever more productive and efficient, we have been programmed to continually seek the newest technology, gadgets, apps and programs; however, I've come to realize that in practice, there... View More