Jan. 31 2011
I personally don't believe in resolutions. Perhaps it is because I manage to break them before the first day of the year is over! But this is the time of year when the gyms swell with new clients eager... View More
Jan. 31 2011
...oh what a party we could have! Creating a motivating momentum that will squash the 'ifs' and 'buts' can be very effective in client retention when you tackle it from two fronts simultaneously. How?... View More
Jan. 18 2011
It is January. You could almost say it is the Fitness Industry Buffet! More people make New Year resolutions to get into shape, eat better, lose weight and change their habits. For people in the fitness... View More
Jan. 14 2011
One cold dayin Omaha, Nebraska, a very dedicated gym member told me, "Procrastination isthe assassination of motivation." Wow! That statement not only is lyrical butalso fitting for the beginning of 2011.... View More
Dec. 8 2010
I spoke at a business luncheon this week and my goal was to not onlygenerate business for our studio but also to, in the minds of those in theaudience, create a wide gap between my trainers and what they... View More
Dec. 7 2010
Dale Carnegie once said, "Whendealing with people, remember you are not dealing withpersons of logic, but rather persons of emotions."How true is this statement when it comes topersonal training? Every... View More
Dec. 7 2010
Quick Tips to Maintain Client Motivation Reformat goals: Give clients something more meaningful than lifting more weight or doing more reps. Rather than trying to increase a bench press by a certain number... View More
Nov. 11 2010
I have a quote taped to the inside of the notebook by which I live my life. That quote, by Robert Heinlein, reads, "In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily... View More
Nov. 8 2010
In high school, I ran cross countryand remembered loving it whenever I stumbled onto a song on my Walkman with abeat that coincided with my pace. Not only does the right music make a workoutmore enjoyable,... View More
Oct. 29 2010
Look around and it is clear what time of year it is! The cobwebs,plastic skeletons and orange everywhere you look indicate that it's time forHalloween. This weekend, cute little kids in their little costumes... View More
Oct. 27 2010
What if every time you trained a client, they walked away not only having had a great workout, but also with a tidbit of information or inspiration to carry with them through the rest of the day? Imagine... View More
Oct. 13 2010
After the initial burst of fitness enthusiasm is over, a client can sometimes get flaky. Suddenly training sessions don't take the precedence they once did, eating gets sloppy, and body fat and circumference... View More
Oct. 10 2010
We all want our clients to be healthy, but I discovered early on that very few people buy health or wellness. What they do buy is fat loss, better energy, a happy mood, better sex and looking younger,... View More
Oct. 1 2010
I had a couple of really neat things happen this week at work. We had a client named "Jim" that did incredible things with us a couple of years ago. He is a 47-year -old business owner who is very busy... View More
Sept. 22 2010
Have you ever noticed during the times in your life when your personal workouts are stale, you're semi-burnt out, and you wade through your training sessions in rote fashion, that your clients aren't that... View More
Sept. 10 2010
Summer has nearly come to an end, people are returning from their vacations, the big rush to get into shape for the beach has justabout drizzled out. So, we need to shake things up a bit. We want to make... View More
Sept. 8 2010
Sometimes our clients need tough love. Your client's spouse, mom, best friend and coworkers are all telling her what she wants to hear: "You've worked hard today. Don't do it if you dont feel like it."... View More
Sept. 3 2010
Summer is almost over and it's "Back to School" time again. While parents celebrate their children's return to class and a bit of freedom throughout the day, fitness professionals rejoice at the return... View More
Sept. 1 2010
Is there more to you than meets the eye? I'd bet there is. Do your clients know? Sometimes you have to let them know more about your business, because our clients tend to have tunnel vision. When they... View More
Aug. 27 2010
Recently, I spent some time at the Children's Hospital inDetroit, Michigan. What I saw wasamazing and humbling at the same time.The children that were there with the life challenges they face on adaily... View More