I spoke at a business luncheon this week and my goal was to not onlygenerate business for our studio but also to, in the minds of those in theaudience, create a wide gap between my trainers and what they come to expectfrom personal trainers in general.
It's unfortunate that many people who have hired a trainer before havehad the experience of a bored-out-of-his-mind rep counter that answered thephone during the session, looked like he hadn't shaven in days, and seemed tohave no plan for the workout... or for the client.
When the public has that view of trainers, we all suffer. Therefore,it's up to all of us to elevate our industry. I shared with the audience thatat my studio, the trainers are held accountable for the success of the clientand we view ourselves as health coaches, and do whatever it takes to help aclient create the body and health they deserve.
Do we hit the mark every time? No. But we set high standards forourselves and always try to do better.Rep counters are expendable. Health coaches -- or true personal trainers -- are priceless.