Mental resilience plays a crucial role in achieving fitness goals, as it empowers individuals to persevere through challenges and setbacks... View More
As personal trainers, we understand that other people exert far more influence on our behaviors, actions and identity than we sometimes like to admit. From the competitive spirit that arises when work
When you think of a hero, who comes to mind? A real-life hero might be described as someone who steps up in a crisis, who is admired for courage or noble qualities, or someone who... View More
Delivering performance feedback to employees is something that few business owners or managers enjoy doing, nor are very skilled at. Being able to give effective feedback is one of the most impactful skills... View More
Referrals SHOULD be your primary source of new business. Many fitness professionals are on the hunt for the next great marketing tactic while completely ignoring the best source for business growth... View More
How do we value customer relationships? We often think of customer relationships as the thing we do to connect with our customers such as sending newsletters, thank you cards, issuing challenges and o
We celebrate our kids pretty well. As a mom of a recent high school graduate, I attended athletic, academic and scholarship banquets, grad parties and even a senior sunrise breakfast celebration... View More
Many trainers who have transitioned to online have found that the length of time clients stay is often shorter than that of offline clients. It makes sense... View More
As personal trainers, our clients only spend about two to five hours a week with us and yet we are relied upon heavily for our expertise — and with that, an expectation to deliver results... View More
The fitness industry is full of high-energy, larger than life personalities. And while the extroverted trainer may be the boldest personality in the gym, introverts are everywhere quietly making a difference
When people talk about marketing or advertising, they are usually focused on reaching more people. While this is important, it’s only part of the equation when it comes to generating more clients
It is often said that we should give our clients “a combination of what they want and what they need.” Instead, I prefer to say training is about giving our clients “what they need to... View More
A long and happy client-trainer relationship is a crucial part of the business of personal training. Having clients that swear by you for years, are willing to pay you your price and get you referrals
You set up your Instagram account, you tested a few Facebook ads and perhaps you even registered your studio on Google My Business hoping to get a few more clicks; however, the leads... View More
This past year has been a wild one, to say the least. No one could have predicted it was coming, and when it did no one knew how to handle it.It’s important to acknowledge that this past year has... View More