Justin Hanover’s mantra has always been “Create An Impact” and he does this relentlessly. That’s why, in 2008, he started a fitness business from the trunk of his car. Over the next 10 years he grew it into a 6,000-square foot facility with over 350 members and 8 team members. After moving on from his business in 2019, he’s been creating an impact as a Success Coach with Fitness Revolution and has been helping other gym owners create their own impact, as he helps them build businesses they love running. Justin understands how so many lives are impacted by one successful gym owner, so it is his mission to help create as many as possible.
This past year has been a wild one, to say the least. No one could have predicted it was coming, and when it did no one knew how to handle it.It’s important to acknowledge that this past year has... View More
How much better would your business be right now if you only lost half of the clients you lost over the past year? If you are like most, I’m sure you are thinking to yourself, “Damn, that would... View More
I feel like a broken record when I keep saying this past year has been a wild one, but it is simply the truth. It has altered quite a bit when it comes to how we run our fitness businesses. So, as we... View More