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Sept. 8 2022
When two (or occasionally more) brands put their heads together and work on a project, something beautiful can happen. Strategic marketing and product partnerships is about two businesses combining sk
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Sept. 1 2022
We are inundated with ways to communicate with one another these days... View More
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Aug. 30 2022
You set up your Instagram account, you tested a few Facebook ads and perhaps you even registered your studio on Google My Business hoping to get a few more clicks; however, the leads... View More
Aug. 22 2022
Let’s start with a little-known sales secret: all value is perceived value. While one prospective client may value a complimentary session, another may prefer to purchase your paid trial that includ
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July 18 2022
“I ran 30 kilometers [18.6 miles] this morning,” Emmanuel Kipruto said in his Kenyan accent, as we sat down for some Kenyan chai tea at 10am at Iten Club, a quaint café and restaurant... View More
May 17 2022
Better management of your day begins with the 4 Disciplines of Execution... View More
Jan. 18 2022
It takes more than passion for fitness to be successful. It takes an understanding of operating a business... View More
June 2 2021
The fitness industry has been rapidly evolving in the past 15 months, and... View More
June 2 2021
With vaccine rollouts, people everywhere are excited to finally “get back to normal.” But there isn’t really going to be a return to the way things used to be — and that’s... View More
March 1 2021
Here are 3 trendlines we’re seeing for 2021 and the business opportunities that come with them... View More
Fit Money Mindset
Jan. 28 2021
Learning from the past (and present) will help us be better prepared for the future... View More
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Jan. 22 2021
You can’t control the circumstances, but you can still be prepared... View More
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Dec. 15 2020
No matter what any expert in any industry tells you, they do not truly know what is going to happen over the next six months. Will things continue to move back to a new normal? Will our jobs resume as
Sept. 29 2020
Many fitness professionals and business owners are attempting online training. Some are succeeding, but many are struggling... View More
June 19 2020
Throughout the past few weeks, we’ve all been immersed in navigating the pandemic, both personally and professionally. During this time, it's become pretty apparent to me that business owners are... View More
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Feb. 18 2020
Are there any blue oceans really left in the fitness industry? Maybe everything has already been played out — same pig, new lipstick... View More
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Feb. 14 2020
There comes a point in the career of many personal trainers when the idea of opening a personal training studio or gym seems like the only next logical career step. Many trainers would say they’ve... View More
Feb. 11 2020
Have you ever been in a low place financially? Maybe it was significant debt, creditors harassing you, or perhaps you even came close (or worse) to losing the house or car... View More
June 25 2019
Finding a business mentor can help you adapt, improve and succeed in today's changing fitness industry... View More
May 25 2019
Embrace the opportunities and capitalize on your fitness business... View More