We are inundated with ways to communicate with one another these days. So much so it can be overwhelming. But as business owners we don’t have a choice; we have to communicate to build and maintain our businesses.

    So what are the best ways? My philosophy is this: Communicate Often and Clearly! So how do we do that? Here are a few tips:
    • Build your email list: One of the core principles I teach every business/studio owner is to build a list. The money is in your list! Foundational to any great list is growing it with the ideal client in mind. You really want to grow a list with people who can pay for your service, have a need for your service and even desire your service. But to maintain this list, don’t limit yourself to Gmail or Google sheets. Expand your reach and productivity by using platforms like Aweber, Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit or FitPronewsletter.
    • Try texting: Yes, we use text in our personal lives, but you can also use it to communicate with prospective and current clients. You need to be able to text people using a platform like TextMagic, Skipio, or FitProTracker.
    • Pick up the phone: Believe it or not, some people prefer a phone call — an actual person to person phone call! Don’t be timid when it comes to actually picking up the phone. You will be surprised by the rapport it builds immediately and the conversation doesn’t get buried like with email. Additionally, you can choose to use automated services that will leave people voicemails, too!
    • Send snail mail: Don’t underestimate the power of a personal note. Sometimes a client needs a thank you card, a word of encouragement, or an appointment reminder.
    • Don’t forget the big guys: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms are all lists of followers, fans and subscribers. As business owners, we need to educate, provide content and offer value consistently, and this is where our clients are.
    Okay, we’ve discussed the ways to communicate, but how do we do that consistently? The rule of marketing communication is that someone will need to hear your message 9-12 times before it fully connects and resonates with them. So if someone comments on a YouTube or Facebook video, they might need six emails, three texts and two phone calls before they really are ready to come try your program. How often we give up after one phone call or email!

    Your client list needs regular communication like recipes, fitness tips, videos and encouragement. You can use services like Naamly or Coach Catalyst to help engage, inspire and foster more client accountability.

    Consistent follow-up is key as well. Have a simple formula in place for follow up with everyone that expresses interest. Simple does not mean one phone call or one email. Create a 6-8 step email sequence that introduces your business and what clients can expect when they get started with you. You should have a phone call and texting sequence as well, designed to get them on the phone or in person.

    With former clients, we call it our search and rescue campaign. Clients quit for any number of reasons, but it is not our clients’ job to remember us! We must seek them out, find them, learn what they need now, and how we can help! This year we have had plenty of former clients from the past 2 years re-engaging, but we are finding clients from 10 years ago who are responding and coming back!

    Remember, communication is key and finding a plethora of ways to do so is important. Build your list and engage with your clients!