July 20 2011
If you'renew to the fitness profession or a veteran seeking to reinvigorate your fitnessbusiness, there is one piece of advice to take seriously: find your niche.Many fitnessprofessionals become misdirected... View More
June 22 2011
WhenI was first certified, I was under the impression thatmyknowledge base and my ability to identify muscularimbalancewas going to help me get more clients.Iwas wrong and ultimately felt frustrated by... View More
April 25 2011
Theinternet is strange in that you can express desires you couldn't or wouldn'tadmit to anyone else, anywhere else. Googlehas become everyone's best friend.Thismatters because we can get accurate and almost... View More
March 23 2011
In my last column, I gave you the blueprint for getting boatloads of clients into your fitness business by getting lead boxes into local businesses (plus, it's also an awesome way to grow your email list... View More
Feb. 28 2011
Therewas a time when I was once an innocent trainer with a very humble view of whatit meant to make it in the fitness business. I was looking at what everyoneelse was doing and based my plans off of that.... View More
Jan. 31 2011
M arketing your fitness business is all about getting what you want. It's about getting your clients to give you referrals. It's about getting search engines to give you traffic. And it's about getting... View More
Jan. 31 2011
As we become established fitness instructors, we search for new ways to increase our business and our presence in the industry. One way that many have tried, with varying degrees of success, is to publish... View More
Jan. 26 2011
In January, I find myself preaching about the value of goingback to "basics" with my clients. There is so much madnesssurrounding New Year's Resolutions that it is hard to remember that the basicsnever... View More
Dec. 22 2010
What do Katy Perry, Catherine Zeta Jones, and a gecko lizard have in common? Before your mind jumps to some perverted fantasy, let me tell you what I’m getting at: All three of them are spokespeople... View More
Dec. 10 2010
During this time of year, we are placing many things in abox and wrapping them up to look great. The only think we cannot keep in thebox this part of the year is our creativity! We, as professional trainers,... View More
Dec. 2 2010
Diet? Yup. Exercise? Yup. Tried that, triedall of it. Nothing works.That's, if not a fair conclusion, certainly an understandableone when itinhabits the belief system of any individual who has attempteddiets... View More
Oct. 27 2010
I'm going toaddress a subject that I've covered more than a few times: the subject ofcompensation. More specifically, I want to address how personal trainers arecompensated in relation to the financial... View More
Oct. 15 2010
I want to talk to you about a topic that's pretty elusive to most health club operators and trainers: converting members into personal training clients. In fact, most health clubs undervalue the benefits... View More
Oct. 15 2010
I'm sure you've heard it a million times: "Don’t give away your services. It devalues you as a professional. Doctors don't give away their time." As a professional, you should charge your normal... View More
Oct. 15 2010
Talk might be cheap, but public speaking is good for the bottom line. Premier voices in our industry are now recognized worldwide: JC Santana, Paul Chek, Bob Esquerre and so many others. Have you heard... View More
Oct. 10 2010
The concept of bartering is not new. Over the years, I have bartered services for things like accounting, catering, ad space and photography. I view it somewhat like a marriage: It's rarely ever an equal... View More
Oct. 10 2010
I believe in adding onvalue rather than cutting my price. Like you, Icharge a fair price formy services and give clients every penny's worth.Communicating that valueto a prospect is easy when they are... View More
Oct. 10 2010
I know the resistance we, as fitnessprofessionals, have toward selling.Not only do I know it first hand, I understand it. We're notwired tosell. We're wired to help people. Offering assistance comesnaturallyfor... View More
Oct. 10 2010
The working theme forthis issue of PFP was "Sales Stinks." Notbecause there isanything inherently wrong with selling -- in fact, it's criticalto staying in business --but because most trainers perceive... View More
Oct. 10 2010
A slowdown in attendance only makes it all the more important that you pick up the pace on promoting your studio. Keep catering to your target market, but cast a wider net to capture a greater audience.... View More