July 15 2017
To get the most bang for your buck on social media, create fitness content that can be repurposed... View More
June 1 2016
Without an effective online marketing strategy, you will be working out alone... View More
May 1 2016
As much as we are tempted to attract more clients, it is equally important to focus on the relationships you have with your current clientele... View More
Aug. 15 2015
There is no more effective modality for increasing your visibility and credibility with clients and potential clients than email marketing. If you aren't taking advantage of email marketing, get started!... View More
July 15 2015
When I started my business as an at-home personal trainer, before I pulled the trigger on spending any money on any advertising, I began participating in local networking events. I had a few objectives.... View More
June 25 2015
If you're ready to get over your fear of the written word, here are five tips that make up the successful fitness copywriting formula... View More
May 25 2015
It's so overused, overanalyzed and ruthlessly abused, the word hardly says anything anymore... Marketing. What does it even mean? Well, one thing I can tell you is that, as far as your business and mine... View More
April 25 2015
Isn't it crazy that two words can trigger vivid imagery of extreme action sports and even elicit a physiological response?... View More
Jan. 25 2015
When I think of copywriting and personal trainers I think of that classic Star Trek line, "for God sakes Jim I’m a doctor not a copywriter!"... View More
Dec. 25 2014
It costs too much money to maintain the frequency you need to grow a true fitness brand identity in your local marketplace... View More
Nov. 25 2014
There are a lot of mediums available these days to personal trainers, and all can have their benefits... View More
Nov. 15 2014
Many authors are taking advantage of self-publishing to get as many books out there as possible... View More
social media
June 1 2014
The Share, the Like, the Retweet, the Regram, the Repost, the Comment, the Review, the #Hashtag and the @. Internet marketing certainly has come a long way. Gone are the days of starting a business, running... View More
membership contract
March 7 2014
Leveraging your time is the key to creating more time freedom and more financial freedom. You've heard this but how the heck do you do it? Where do you start? How do you know if you're implementing things... View More
Sept. 1 2012
After more than 20 years in fitness, I've noticed the term "coach" has become an industry buzz word. I know many fitness professionals who have simply added the word "coach" to their title to keep in-line... View More
Sept. 1 2012
True Story: Imagine going to your doctor for a yearly physical and the next day while training clients, one of your staff members informs you that your doctor is in the front of the studio wanting to speak... View More
Sept. 1 2012
One thing you have as an independent trainer over the big box gyms is the opportunity to build loyalty within your marketplace. You can establish meaningful relationships with your clients to build a culture... View More
Sept. 1 2012
Creating a presence on the Web is an important component of professional success. According to 1&1 Internet, Inc., 40% of small businesses do not currently have a website, missing the opportunity to reach... View More
July 1 2012
For those who are ready to take advantage of the technology, the explosion in smartphone popularity presents an unprecedented opportunity for cost-effective marketing that gets results. According... View More
July 1 2012
From time to time, big shifts take place in our industry that make the business of personal training more mainstream, more profitable, more systemized, and in this case, easier to market. In recent years... View More