Ever since I came back to personal training, I have been relying heavily on social media to build brand awareness and build our clientele. Facebook and Instagram are perfect mediums for increasing your awareness to the community around you and getting the word about you. However, it is a crowded marketplace where most successful businesses have taken their talents to the internet. It can be tough to get noticed when we are inundated constantly with different marketing messages that crowd our timelines. I have found that using certain apps on my iPhone have made my messages better and I can now brand my content. I would like to share with you a few of my favorite apps that I use to create brand awareness and great messages.
WordSwag is a picture app that allows you to write on canned layouts or you can write on your own uploaded pictures. The text that is available is superior to most any app I have used with a variety of colors that can bring you motivational messages to life. I also encourage you to place your email address, website URL or some other type of communication method so people can contact you when they see it or if the picture gets shared. You never want to post something without having a place for people to find you. WordSwag also allows you to impose your logo on pictures as well.
This app allows you to use different layouts to show multiple picture and/or videos in one. I will use this if I want to show different exercises I have done with a client in a particular session. This is also great for when you want to show off different components of a group class or bootcamp. There are many layouts to pick from and once completed you can upload directly to any social media channel.
This app allows users to take two pictures and superimpose them. You can change the dark/light on a photo to set up a cool background or you can use your logo to brand any picture you want. There are many options to superimpose, each of which can bring your message to life and catch the eye of a potential client.
I use iMovie for videos that I produce. The best part of iMovie is you can cut videos to splice them together, film something and cut the parts out you don't want and add text to your video. I often times will film an exercise and put it in iMovie and add my website at the bottom, then post to Instagram and Facebook. The app will save your work in the app itself or you can upload to your device and save it there. It makes for uploading to social media very easy.
We live in an age where we must stand out. Our social media messages are just as important as our physical messages. Brand awareness is key in creating a successful business. These apps will help in that quest.