Running a small business can be challenging, especially when you are just starting out. It is imperative to find ways to become part of the local community as a way to make your presence known, but to also give back to the area where you are based. The more people you know, the more chances you have to find new clients. Here are some ideas for creating more visibility for your studio or for yourself as a teacher:
2. Offer a free class weekly or monthly to the public at your studio. Getting folks into your studio for that free class just might interest them to make the commitment to signing up.
3. Volunteer to teach at a local school. What is more important than influencing our future generations? As we know, childhood obesity and diabetes is an epidemic now that more kids are sedentary. It is an absolute priority to teach them that physical movement is fun and not a burden. Giving the gift of the love of exercise will carry them through their whole lives.
4. If you are a Pilates instructor or studio owner, participate in Pilates Day on May 7, 2016. It is an international and local community event to bring awareness of the Pilates method to the wider world. It’s a great way to promote your business and give back to the community. Go to the www.pilatesmethodalliance.org to get your free kit. It gives you everything you need including marketing materials and posters to advertise your event.
5. Sign up to help out with local charities like Habitat for Humanity, or local organizations like the historical society or garden club. You will meet potential clients and make yourself more visible as a wellness professional who cares for their community.